
Sunway Turns Advertising Budget Into Funds To Feed 2,100 B40 Families In Malaysia

In conjunction with Hari Kebangsaan and Malaysia Day, more than 25,000kg of food will be distributed to B40 families across Selangor, Kuala Lumpur, Perak, Penang, and Johor.

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As part of their continuous efforts to help Malaysians who have been hit hard by the current situation, Sunway Group is choosing to use their advertising funds to help those in need instead

In conjunction with Hari Kebangsaan and Malaysia Day, Sunway will be using their advertising funds to assist economically affected B40 communities.

Through the #SunwayforGood Food Bank initiative, more than 25,000kg of food will be distributed to almost 2,100 B40 families across Selangor, Kuala Lumpur, Perak, Penang, and Johor. The distribution will be carried out from now until Malaysia Day.

In Selangor and Perak, Sunway will work with the Development of Human Resources for Rural Areas (DHRRA) to identify around 1,000 B40 families in need, and will then deliver groceries and basic necessities directly to them

#SunwayforGood Food Bank delivering aid to a recipient at PPR Desa Mentari.

Image via Provided to SAYS

Sunway will also be working with DHRRA as well as Adab Youth Garage to purchase and deliver provisions to more than 200 B40 families living around Kuala Lumpur.

Meanwhile, Sunway teams in Penang and Johor are working with Kechara Soup Kitchen and Malaysian Red Crescent respectively, in order to provide food aid to hundreds of families below the poverty line.

The essential provisions that will be delivered to those in need include rice, salt, condensed milk, sugar, oil, canned food such as sardine and tuna, and packs of coffee provided by Super Coffee.

Since last year, more than 100,000kg of food have been distributed to people in need across the country under this initiative

Part of the flagship #SunwayforGood umbrella, the #SunwayforGood Food Bank is the largest of its kind in Malaysia. Aligned with the Group's commitment to advance the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals, it pledges to promote sustainability and social responsibility efforts through three core areas — education, healthcare, and community enrichment.

Since its inception, #SunwayforGood has touched the lives of over half a million people, and aims to positively impact more than one million Malaysians by 2030

Sunway Group Deputy Executive Chairman Tan Sri Datuk Seri Razman M. Hashim said, "The prolonged Movement Control Order to stem the spread of COVID-19 this year has worsened the economic impact for B40 communities in our country. Unemployment is rising and the situation is expected to worsen before it gets better."

"Together with our people at Sunway and our NGO partners, it is our hope that this gesture of committing our advertising budget to help build resilience among those made vulnerable under these trying circumstances will reaffirm the spirit of unity and patriotism on this Hari Kebangsaan that cuts across racial and religious lines," he added.

To date, Sunway has committed almost RM60 million to support the battle against COVID-19

This includes providing the government with four vaccination centres (PPVs), spanning close to 200,000 sq ft, for free up to 12 months.

Sunway's effort to help people in need during these trying times is truly appreciated

Be it individuals or companies, it's now more important than ever for us to do our part to help those who have been affected by the current situation. Together, we can make a difference for a better Malaysia.

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