
Malaysians Share The Extra Precautions They're Taking To Combat COVID-19

Better to be safe than sorry.

Cover image via RJCenterprises & Today

Disclaimer: This article is based on people's habits and is not necessarily scientifically proven. Nicknames have been used to respect the privacy of individuals.

We've seen a sudden surge in the number of people infected by the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) lately

The new wave has seen daily three-digit numbers of people infected in the last few weeks and it is quite alarming. Now with several parts of Malaysia under the Conditional Movement Control Order (CMCO), it's easy to feel helpless and afraid.

As Health director-general Tan Sri Dr Noor Hisham has said, all Malaysians are frontliners now.

So, we asked Malaysians what are the measures they have been taking to help curb the virus' spread. Here's what they told us:

1. Wipe down gadgets

Image for illustration purposes only.

Image via lovetoknow

"I always make it a point to wipe down my phones, earphones, and laptop when I get home from the office. We often don't think about how dirty our gadgets can be but in actual fact, we use it more often than most things we have. So, I'm not taking any chances." 

- David, 34

2. Disinfect belongings with a disinfectant spray

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Image via DownShiftingPRO

"My bag is always with me throughout the day so I usually make it a point to disinfect it with a spray when I get home. Sometimes, I bring the spray along to the office to clean my table and chair as well."

- Christine, 26

3. Limit going out. Get things delivered.

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Image via The Nation

"Ever since the MCO, I've been working from home. Luckily, my office allows me to do that. I'm quite afraid to leave the house unnecessarily because of the virus. Most of my groceries and things I need, I get them delivered and I usually use gloves and a mask too when I go out to collect them from the delivery guy. Scared lah."

- Lydia, 30

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Image via myc!

"Actually, money is quite dirty also since there are so many people that touch it and the virus might spread from there too. So, if possible, I will not withdraw cash from the ATM and will pay with my e-wallets."

- Brendan, 36

5. Wash all clothes after using

Image for illustration purposes only.

Image via Good Housekeeping

"I don't know about others but I've always reused my jeans a couple of times before putting them to wash. Ever since the Movement Control Order (MCO) was lifted and we could drive out to eat or shop, I would throw all my clothes for wash including my jeans once I reach home.

"I'm not sure if the virus can stay on cloth material but I just want to be safe. Also, my clothes smell nice and clean so it's okay lah."

- Jie, 24

6. Wipe down surfaces often

Image for illustration purposes only.

Image via Hotel Business Weekly

"Maybe I'm a bit too extreme but I've been wiping down all my surfaces at home quite often with disinfectants and antibacterial wipes, including doorknobs and switches - places we touch often. I have seven people in my household, which include my grandparents who are quite old so I feel it's better to keep the place clean and safe for them as well.

"As a family, we try to not go out too much and if we do go out, we make sure we have our masks on and hand sanitisers ready. As soon as we get home, we'll wash our hands and legs outside before entering the house and go straight to the shower for a bath."

- Farah, 29

7. Wash or wipe groceries

Image for illustration purposes only.

Image via Mashed

"I know the supermarkets themselves take some measures, some providing gloves even. However, as soon as I get home with my groceries, I'll run them under the water just to wash it quickly before keeping them away. Of course, since it's food, I don't use hand sanitisers and disinfectant sprays so for those in cans or plastic, I would wash with mild soap.

"Similarly, if I ordered something online, when it arrives, I would do the same as well."

- Anisha, 33

Whether you'd like to take some advice from any of the above or not, our Ministry of Health advises us to:

Keep practising physical distancing and wash your hands often. Watch the latest update on the COVID-19 situation:

Experts have recently discovered that the virus can linger on bank notes and touchscreens for several weeks:

Stay safe and protect yourselves. Here are a few suggestions:

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