
You’ll Confirm Do These 14 Things When You Finally Move Into Your First Home

Choosing the right couch is rocket science, k.

Cover image via Home & Decor Malaysia / edited by SAYS

1. You'll go around trying to spot any defects with an eagle eye

Image via Mainmark

"Why is there a crack in the wall?" "Why is that tile not aligned properly?"

2. You'll hunt down even the tiniest of stains on your light coloured walls and paint over them yourself

3. You start applying everything in your home decor books and Pinterest boards in real life

Image via tierneycreates

But which theme to choose? Dilemmaaaa! 

4. For months now, you've been on the hunt for that one perfect sofa that feels JUST. RIGHT.

Image via Giphy

You don't even care when people give you weird looks at furniture stores.

5. Every time you’re out shopping you’re just thinking of buying more racks, hooks, knick-knacks, and space-savers

Image via HGTV

You have no idea what you'll ever do with some of the most random stuff like a cute handpainted Turkish plate or a pristine Venetian glass bowl but they're preeeetyyyyy and you just have to have them! *heart eyes*

6. And you can’t wait to show your friends how you organised your kitchen cabinets

Image via Pinterest

You'll love getting to feel super bangga when your friends and family 'oooh' and 'aaah' over your extensive array of cookware, bakeware and crockery, as well as the magical drawer that houses them all.

7. You die inside when people don’t use coasters on your new coffee table =.=

Image via Tyson French

Anyone who gets rings on your brand new coffee table will never be invited back again, hmph!

8. You’re looking to buy new household appliances and the latest gadgets because… why not?

Image via Giphy

From the latest robot vacuum, to the most canggih all-in-one remote that controls your entire house, you'll get 'em all as long as it helps make your life easier and as effort-free as possible.

9. You can't wait to finally be able to have people over for fancy dinner parties or even casual makan sessions :D

There's nothing you love more than spending time in the kitchen cooking up a storm for your loved ones. You'll use any excuse you can to get them over so you can test out a new recipe or try to perfect one you've been experimenting with.

10. When you’re out with your friends, you honestly can’t wait to get home and chill in your new living room

Image via JinnyboyTV

Who needs to hang out in a mamak or cinema when you’ve got a cosy living room and a new TV? Watching football or binge-watching movies will never be the same again!

11. You start child-proofing everything if you’re a parent #safetyfirst #coverallthecorners

Image via SheKnows

You'll be doing everything from installing safety gates at the top and bottom of the stairs and putting child locks on cabinets, to blocking sockets and putting soft covers on sharp corners.

12. Thinking about your kids conteng-ing all over your pristine white walls makes you cry a little…

Image via My10Online

13. Planning your feature wall and playing around with 101 ideas keeps you awake at night

Image via Tenor

14. You look at any unused space as an excuse to create a cosy little corner to lepak

Image via DMA Homes

Your busy lifestyle has you mostly out of the house on weekdays, but you love coming home and unwinding in your perfect little spot. Such bliss.

Seeing your dream home come together bit by bit is going to be so satisfying isn't it? :')

Image via Pinterest

If you're a first-time home owner that's looking for inspiration on how to decorate your new place, check out the upcoming HOMEDEC exhibiton

Image via HOMEDEC

Date: 26 - 29 April 2018
Time: 10am - 8pm
Venue: Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre

HOMEDEC will have twin unit showhomes displayed at the Interior Design Clinic Zone in Hall 5 of Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre. These units were commissioned and designed by two interior design firms who are masters of their craft - Innere Design Concept Sdn Bhd and Histrong Design (M) Sdn Bhd.

Both homes were designed and fitted with at least 50% of products that were directly sourced from the halls of HOMEDEC.

Image via HOMEDEC

A special My First Home Starter Kit will also be available and exclusively downloadable for free during the four-day exhibition. This highly detailed illustrated guide will be every first time home owner’s dream in helping you to build your ideal first home.

The guide has 5 Personalised Lifestyles to help guide your thoughts with themed concepts and ideas such as the Kitchen Hoarder looking to deck out your kitchen, the AV Fan wanting to create the ultimate bachelor pad, and the contemporary resident that simply wants a Timeless Classic.

Image via HOMEDEC

Click here to register for the HOMEDEC exhibition now so you can beat the queue on the day itself!

Image via HOMEDEC

Looking for more home decor ideas? Check these out:

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