
7 Things You Learn About Yourself When You Travel To A Place Most Have Never Been

More reasons to go off the beaten path!

Cover image via mrruizdeassin/Pixabay (edited)

Traveling to a new place may sound extremely exciting to everyone but at the core of it, it still requires a whole lot of guts to consciously decide to go to an exotic location you've never ever been to before.

Despite the most meticulous planning, any seasoned traveler knows that there's bound to be road bumps along the way, and how you survive these trying times will influence your problem-solving skills and how you adapt to difficult situations in your daily life.

With the rise of Google-fueled travel comes a kind of unspoken obsession with well-researched itineraries and being in the know on everything. But if we're all being completely honest, we'd probably realise that some of the most interesting travel memories come from the unplanned pit-stops and discoveries as a result of being lost.

There's a kind of freedom that comes with an open mind and a flexible schedule, so plan your trip, sure but if fate decides to take you on another route, just enjoy the ride =)

It's human nature to judge what we're not familiar with and that's exactly why it's a great idea to seek out exotic destinations to explore - seeing how these little-known communities live will give you a fresh, new perspective on different cultures, and helps you understand them on a deeper level.

The next time you're in someplace new, take the time to get to know the locals. Find out what they love, what makes them tick, and what you can learn from them. Bonus points if you brush up on some basic phrases before heading off on your travels ;)

The more you travel, the more people you'll meet. Whether it's an inspiring local running the guesthouse you're staying at, or fellow offbeat travelers you meet along the way, everyone has a story to tell - and the impact they leave on you will help you determine the kind of relationships worth keeping in life, and the ones that just aren't worth your time.

Just having the ability to visit a place that most people you know still haven't had a chance to experience is a huge blessing in itself. How many people can say they've gone quad-biking in a desert in Windhoek, for example? Be thankful for the valuable experience and all the wonders it brings you.

Returning from a trip is likely to make you view your life at home through a new perspective; your lumpy bed may suddenly seem especially comfy, a simple home-cooked meal has probably never tasted so good. You'll realise it's these little things that you may have been taking for granted that actually brings the most joy in life!

Ever noticed how you could be off in some random part of the world surviving on no air-con, no Internet and no Starbucks, and yet you've never felt more content? Getting by with very little on your travels will make you realise that material possessions are nice to have but you don't necessarily need them to be happy. On the other hand, once-in-a-lifetime experiences, like seeing J.R.R. Tolkien's childhood haunts around Birmingham, will stay with you forever.

You could be reading about the wonders of traveling and the amazing, wonderful things you stand to gain but nothing beats real-life experiences. So whether you'll be going ice-skating on Swan Lake in Yerevan or watching the world go by in Seychelles, go out there and create your own share-worthy stories!

Need some inspiration for some of the most exotic travels of your life? Here are some exciting new destinations offered by Qatar Airways:

Image via People of AR

Yerevan, Armenia: This charming capital, nicknamed Pink City for its pink-hued Soviet-style buildings, is a must-visit for architectural buffs. For a dose of history, check out the hill-top Erebuni Fortress, dating back from 782 BC.

Image via TravelMagma

Windhoek, Namibia: Whether you're into wildlife safaris or desert explorations, there's much to discover in this action-packed capital. Adventurous eaters may look forward to trying some zebra steaks and ostrich sandwiches.

Image via Indian Ocean

Seychelles: If you're looking to relax, check out some of Africa's best beaches, with their soft, powdery sand and crystal-clear waters. For an unforgettable experience, head to La Digue to try your hand at the oldest Seychellois tradition: fishing.

Additionally, Qatar Airways' new routes to Birmingham (UK) and Pisa (Italy) are the perfect reasons to explore beyond the more popular cities of London and Rome

Whether you're seeing the very sights from author J.R.R. Tolkien's childhood that inspired his legendary writings in Birmingham, or making a gelato pit-stop on the way to catch the Leaning Tower of Pisa, you're in for amazing experiences either way!

Start planning your trip here!

Which exotic adventure will you be off on soon? Let us know in the comments below!

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