
[VIDEO] We Asked M'sian Women To Name Three People They Love Most. Here's What They Said

We even got them to share their tips for self-care too! <3

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Who do you love most in your life?

Whether it's our parents, partner, kids, or besties, there's no denying that we'll always pour our love to those around us. From taking care of them while they're sick, to always cheering for them from the sidelines, we're willing to go out of our way to make sure that our loved ones get all the care, affection, and attention they deserve. <3 

While all of those are important, we also have to remember to care for ourselves too! Many of us, somehow or other, end up neglecting ourselves, which in the long run, can be detrimental to our health, both physically and mentally. Self-care should be our priority too, guys! 

In collaboration with Proviton Multivitamin, Nandini hit the streets to ask women where they would rank themselves among the people they love

Do women take the time to care for themselves? How do they care for themselves? Nandini had a whole lot of questions prepared. 

The best part? She even bumped into an inspiring figure, who is especially known for her works on women empowerment. 

Watch the full video below to find out: 

When asked to name three people they love most, almost everyone said parents, kids, and partner

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Girl in orange: "My husband and my twins."

Girl in pink: "My mum, my dad, and my siblings." 

Girl in white: "Both my parents and my husband, of course." 

And here's the best part — Nandini even bumped into social activist Marina Mahathir, omgg! So, of course, we had to get her views too!

Image via SAYS (YouTube)

Nandini: "Hi, Marina, how are you?"

Marina: "Hi. I'm good. I saw you there."

Marina: "My parents — that's two. My kids — that's another three. And my husband."

When asked why she wasn't in her answer, Marina said it's because she tends to put herself after everyone else, awwww

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Nandini: "Why didn't you name yourself?"

Marina: "Well, I do love myself, but I come right after them. We always sort of put ourselves last."

While they spend a majority of their time caring for others, these women have found ways to care for themselves too!

Image via SAYS (YouTube)

Girl in dark green: "Spa, and I go for massages."

Girl in white: "Like getting my nails done or getting a haircut or a hair wash. Just like, grooming myself."

All in all, Proviton Multivitamin hopes that this video serves as a reminder to all women to put themselves on the same level as their loved ones <3

As Nandini says in the video, "You cannot pour from an empty cup", Proviton Multivitamin also believes that we must care for ourselves first in order to care for others. That is why they are offering their PROVITON Multivitamin to provide the energy boost and nutrition you need to help you stay ahead of the game.

Comprising of Panax Ginseng Extract IDB, as well as multivitamins and minerals, PROVITON Multivitamin contains the necessary vitamins and minerals to help fight fatigue, enhance stamina and endurance, and boost the immune system.

And to celebrate the importance of self-love and self-care, the brand is running a contest where you'll stand to win prizes such as a year's supply of PROVITON Multivitamin, RM300 cash prize, or a trip to the spa!

Here's what you need to do:
1. Head over to this Facebook post 
2. Tag one woman in your life that you love the most with the following hashtag: #loveyoumore 
3. Don't forget to also like PROVITON Multivitamin's Facebook page

And that's it. So easy, right? But you better hurry, as the contest ends on 7 November

You can also learn more about Proviton Multivitamin and their products on their website

The information provided is for educational and communication purposes only and it should not be construed as personal medical advice. Information published in this article is not intended to replace, supplant or augment a consultation with a health professional regarding the reader's own medical care.

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