
Xiaomi Teams Up With SPCA Selangor To Spay And Neuter Over 100 Stray Animals In Selangor

The two-day 'PotongRoyong' event also encouraged attendees to adopt a pet.

Cover image via Xiaomi (Provided to SAYS)

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If you've taken a walk in the park or around your neighbourhood, chances are, you've seen a stray animal or two

It may not seem like a big problem, but an uncontrolled stray population poses serious issues, including public health risks, road accidents, and the spread of diseases.

Research by the Department of Veterinary Services Malaysia, Putrajaya, found that 61% of pet owners had seen strays in their neighbourhoods, highlighting the widespread nature of this issue. While the exact number of stray cats and dogs in Malaysia is still unknown, the number is believed to be in the millions.

In Malaysia, more animals are surrendered and abandoned than adopted, as reported by the New Straits Times

Animal groups say most of the strays in Malaysia are abandoned or dumped pets, with their numbers spiking after the COVID-19 pandemic. The problem is compounded by the fact that many abandoned cats and dogs are not neutered, leading to rampant breeding.

According to the Society For The Prevention of Cruelty To Animals (SPCA), feeding strays, while well-intentioned, can inadvertently contribute to this issue by enabling them to remain strong and reproduce. To address this, community groups are encouraged to trap, neuter, release, and manage (TNRM) strays. This approach helps manage the stray population without leading to more overbreeding problems.

In an effort to help with the issue of stray animals and raise awareness about responsible pet ownership, Xiaomi recently partnered with SPCA Selangor for its Mini PotongRoyong event

Taking place on 25 and 26 May, the Mini PotongRoyong event was part of the brand's community-wide spay and neutering initiative that's been ongoing since last year. The two-day event saw enthusiastic participation from the public — registration for the event filled up within 48 hours.

Throughout the event, attendees got to explore various booths, take part in educational activities, and also have the chance to adopt a pet.

A total of 92 cats and 20 dogs were spayed and neutered over the two days. Additionally, 42 of the spayed cats were also vaccinated.

This successful collaboration highlighted the community's commitment to addressing the stray animal overpopulation crisis and underscored the importance of initiatives like PotongRoyong.

Events like these not only help manage the stray population but also foster a sense of community responsibility towards animals. By promoting spaying, neutering, and responsible pet ownership, Xiaomi and SPCA Selangor hope to continue making a significant impact in the community.

Remember, protecting all animals, whether dogs or cats, is crucial as they all deserve our equal love and care.

For more information on how you can help or participate in future events, follow Xiaomi on social media

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