
Malaysia's Village Park & Oriental Kopi Were Displayed On A Billboard In Times Square

Nasi lemak ayam goreng in the Big Apple.

Cover image via Marketing Interactive & Oriental Kopi 华阳 (Facebook)

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Two Malaysian culinary brands, Village Park Restaurant and Oriental Kopi, were recently featured on a billboard in Times Square, New York City

According to eCommerceNews Asia, the two restaurants were among the 53 Southeast Asian food merchants featured on the towering LED display, as part of a campaign by ride-hailing cum food delivery platform Grab.

The campaign aims to highlight the region's diverse culinary offerings and the vast selection of food available through the Grab app.

Village Park and Oriental Kopi were chosen to represent a classic Malaysian dish — nasi lemak ayam goreng.

The billboard also featured other Southeast Asian dishes, such as Singapore's prata, Indonesia's nasi campur, the Philippines' crispy sisig, Vietnam's banh mi, and Thailand's Siamese boat noodles and mango sticky rice.

Both Village Park and Oriental Kopi shared this momentous achievement on social media

Brimming with pride, Village Park Restaurant shared an Instagram post, thanking their supporters.

"In appreciation of your unwavering encouragement, we pledge to maintain the highest standards in both service and culinary excellence, ensuring a continued dedication to excellence as a token of our gratitude to each and every one of you," they wrote.

Similarly, Oriental Kopi also took to their Instagram account to spotlight the occasion, extending their gratitude to those who have supported their business.

"We eagerly anticipate the chance to introduce Malaysian cuisine to the world, bringing local flavours to the global stage!" they wrote.

Did you know you could get a taste of Village Park's nasi lemak sambal at this grocery store chain?

Malaysians are clearly very passionate about nasi lemak, there's been a documentary and university course on it:

Read more #makan stories here:

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