
15-Day-Old Baby Allegedly Suffocated To Death After Mother Fell Asleep While Breastfeeding

The side-lying method of breastfeeding is a known hazard.

Cover image via Twenty20 & Whattoexpect

A 15-day-old baby in Singapore allegedly suffocated to death after his mother fell asleep while breastfeeding him

Image for illsutration purposes only.

Image via Twenty20

On 1 September last year, the mother breastfed her second child using the side-lying method for the first time, according to TODAYOnline.

This is when a mother lies on her side in bed and nurses the baby next to her.

She placed him on the bed and fed the baby with her left breast, while her left arm was stretched out above her head underneath the pillow.

While doing so, she fell asleep and was woken up an hour later when her husband got out of bed to use the toilet.

After she woke up, she found that her baby was pale with vomit on his cheeks and blood on his nostril

She immediately rushed him to Sengkang General Hospital.

Doctors attempted to resuscitate the boy but were unable to. The baby was pronounced dead at 5am.

Image for illustration purposes only.

Image via SPL/BBC

On 2 October, State Coroner Kamala Ponnampalam said that the side-lying method of breastfeeding is a known hazard

The coroner explained that the method should only be used when there is a third party present to observe the mother and baby.

Image for illustration purposes only.

Image via Aditya Romansa/Unsplash

Autopsy findings could not prove that the infant was suffocated due to the method of breastfeeding. However, it was possible based on the circumstances, TODAYOnline reported.

An associate consultant forensic pathologist with Singapore Health Sciences Authority explained that pillows or bedding could have also have blocked his nose and mouth causing him to suffocate.

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