
A Teen In Pahang Was Allegedly Raped And Sodomised By Her 21-Year-Old Fiancé

The teen lodged a police report on 4 October alleging she had been sexually assaulted.

Cover image via Kosmo! Onliine

On Friday, 4 October, a 19-year-old girl from Pahang lodged a police report against her fiancé alleging he raped and sodomised her

According to Temerloh District Police Chief Assistant Commissioner (ACP) Zundin Mahmood, the alleged incident took place on the night of 13 September in Paya Pulai, Temerloh, when the suspect had invited the victim to go out.

ACP Zundin said that on that night the 21-year-old suspect lured his 19-year-old fiancée into his rented room on the pretence that he forgot his mobile phone there.

The man claimed that he wanted to take his mobile and asked the girl to follow him to his room. Once they were both inside the room, the suspect then allegedly assaulted the teen by kicking and hitting her several times, reported New Straits Times.

She was then raped and sodomised by her future husband.

The 21-year-old allegedly threatened her to not speak about it

Kosmo! Online reported ACP Zundin saying that during the sexual assault, the suspect had also inserted small foreign objects into the victim's genitals.

The suspect had also inserted objects including a deodorant bottle and a pimple sucking machine that resembled a small piece of a branch into her private part.
ACP Zundin Mahmood.

The assault has left the victim traumatised, who had gone through a similar incident back in 2016 at a different location. She finally lodged a police report on Friday.

"The victim finally lodged a police report yesterday, and her statement was recorded. Medical examination of the victim showed evidence of rape and sodomy," ACP Zundin was quoted as saying by New Straits Times at a press conference yesterday.

Police have since arrested the suspect

The suspect, who is from Johor, had been remanded for seven days, until 11 October.

The remand order was issued by Senior Assistant Registrar at Temerloh Magistrate's Court, Nurul Balqis Zunaidi, under Section 376, Section 377C and Section 377CA of the Penal Code for rape, sodomy and committing unnatural sex, Kosmo! Online reported.

Image via Kosmo! Online

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