
A Woman Was Caught Peeing And Spitting In Her Business Rival's Ice Cream Machine

The ice cream store owner had to throw away over RM8k worth of products.

Cover image via Lulu's & Pinellas County Sheriff’s Office

Earlier this week, a woman was arrested for allegedly contaminating an ice cream maker of a store in Florida, United States

According to BuzzFeed News, the woman contaminated the ice cream machine of a neighbouring business with her spit, urine, and snot.

She was caught in the store's closed-circuit television (CCTV) spitting on frozen desserts' containers kept inside the freezer, picking her nose and touching the containers with her snot-filled hands, and urinating in a bucket used to churn ice cream.

Image via BuzzFeed News

The incident which happened in June forced the ice cream store owner to close the shop for days and destroy approximately USD2,000 (RM8,226) worth of products to ensure public safety

The woman was identified as 66-year-old Jung Soon Wypcha.

On 8 July, she was charged with criminal mischief and tampering with consumer products at Lu Lu's Ice Cream shop in Indian Shores, Florida, according to USA Today.

Jung Soon was caught in the store's surveillance tapes, which showed her tainting the store's ice cream section on several different occasions beginning 17 June.

There were five incidents, during which Jung Soon used the bathroom that her business shared with the ice cream shop. She would use the bathroom with the door wide open and then putting her hands in the containers of ice cream without washing her hands.

Image via Tampa Bay

While speaking to media, co-owner Paul Chiulli of Lu Lu's said that he suspects envy is the motive behind the woman's action

"The minute we learned about it, we called the authorities. We got rid of everything so there was no question about did she do this or did she do that.

"I guess she wasn't liking that we were getting popular," Chiulli was quoted as saying by the Tampa Bay Times on Tuesday, 9 July.

The woman has since been released in lieu of bail, set at USD5,000 for the criminal mischief charge and USD50,000 for the tampering charge.

This comes days after teens began filming themselves licking tubs of ice cream before putting them back in freezers:

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