
Restaurant Owner Leaves The Kindest Note For The Person Who Was Digging Through Her Trash

Ashley Jiron, owner of P.B. Jams in Warr Acres, Oklahoma, did what most of us wouldn't even think of doing; she didn't ignore someone who is desperate and decided that it's her problem to be of whatever help that she can be!

Cover image via Mashable

An Instagram user spotted this sign outside a sandwich shop

Saw this outside of P.B. Jams today. #thatswhatlovelookslike

A photo posted by Greg King (@gregking8081) on

The sign was posted by Ashley Jiron, the owner of the sandwich shop called 'P.B. Jams' in Warr Acres, Oklahoma. A few days ago, Ashley noticed that some of the bags containing discarded food in the dumpster had been torn open, with some of the food removed. So she left the note for the person going through her trash for food.

“Last week, I had noticed some bags, when I had taken out the trash, were torn open and some of the food was taken out," Ashley Jiron, owner of P.B. Jams, said. “That really, it hurt me that someone had to do that."

She says she will not take down the sign until the person comes in

She says she knows pride may keep that person away — but she’s hoping they will take her up on this offer. She says a free meal is the least she can do for someone who is obviously down on their luck.

Ashley's kind gesture has gone viral on the Internet. It speaks volume, and as Upworthy's Eric March put it, "She could have done what so many do when they come face to face with someone who is desperate — ignore it, decide it isn't their problem, and move on."

Explaining why she did it, Ashley said: "I think we've all been in that position where we needed someone's help and we just needed someone to extend that hand. And if I can be that one person to extend that hand to another human being, then I'll definitely do it."

Image via

And social media is filled with praise for Ashley's kind gesture:

Image via P.B. Jams

In response to the kindness that's being showered on her on Internet, she thanked everyone for all the kind words, for sharing their stories, and for touching her heart."You're all amazing. We're amazing. We're human," she posted on her Facebook page.

People like Ashley are proof that humanity isn't dead, that there are people who are willing go an extra step in order to help others. Another such person is Mark Bustos, 30-year-old hairstylist:

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