
Content Creator Mekyun Appalled By Woman's Request To Be Her Husband's Second Wife

Mekyun was so stunned that she laughed and shook her head in disbelief.

Cover image via @mekyunn (Instagram)

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Content creator Mekyun was left dumbfounded when a woman approached her and asked her to become her husband's second wife

Sharing the bizarre encounter in a Threads post on Sunday, 4 August, Mekyun, whose real name is Wee Yun Nee, said the incident happened on Saturday, 3 August, when the woman approached her to ask for a photo together.

"Then, she asked me twice, 'Do you want to be my husband's second wife?' and 'Want to be my co-wife (madu)?' while pointing towards her husband with her children around," said Mekyun.

Appalled by the brazen questions, the 26-year-old content creator laughed and shook her head to refuse her audacious request.

The Threads post received many responses from netizens, with some urging her to run from the situation

"Mekyun, I think the man is interested [in you]. His wife was angry and came to ask you so that you could turn down the request in front of him," a Threads user speculated.

"This is actually a test for her husband. And don't believe in this lady. Before becoming his second wife, she is enthusiastic, but after you become his second wife, she will complain and play the victim," said another netizen.

One person added, "Don't agree to that, Mekyun. We should always be [our significant other's] No. 1, no such thing as No. 2."

Image via Threads

Read the full post here:

Mekyun is a popular content creator who has attracted fans with her ability to speak fluent Kelantanese:

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