
Engineer Made His Own 'Hazmat Suit' To Protect Himself & Others While Grocery Shopping

It was his first time out of the house in eight days since the MCO began on 18 March.

Cover image via Bernama

As a way of protecting himself from getting infected by COVID-19, an engineer from Terengganu assembled his own protective suit to allow him to go grocery shopping without worry

According to New Straits Times, Zamakhyari Khairiri made the suit out of plastic garbage bags, and completed the protection by wearing a mask, ski goggles, and rubber boots.

Image via Bernama

The 41-year-old from Kampung Bukit Payong, Jerteh said he was not bothered by the strange looks he received from people as long as he felt safe outside

"I don't care what other people think, I actually feel proud that I can remind others to take steps to curb the spread of this virus," he told Bernama today, 26 March.

"In places like this (the supermarket), there is a high risk of infection, and this is my small way of taking care of the safety of my family and the people around me."

Image via Bernama

The father of three said it took him about 10 minutes to put on his outfit, with some help from his children

He also revealed that yesterday was his first first day out of the house to buy food and other essential items for his family, eight days since the Movement Control Order (MCO) was imposed.

Bernama also reported that many people in Kuala Terengganu have been complying to infection safety measures such as social distancing and using hand sanitiser when they ventured out to supermarkets or banks.

Image via Bernama

Remember to #JustStayAtHome. Watch the latest update on the COVID-19 situation:

While we all don't have personal protective suits, at least take a shower before hugging or touching your family when reaching home:

While not ideal, healthcare workers also had to wear plastic bags as supply of personal protective equipment in the country dwindles:

Read more COVID-19 stories on SAYS:

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