
Customer Praises Fatty Crab Staff For Scouring Through Rubbish To Find His Wife's Ring

"As soon as they found the ring, they applauded and cheered so loud as if it was their own ring."

Cover image via Daryl William Bridger/Facebook

A customer recently shared a heartwarming story of how restaurant staff in Petaling Jaya came together to help him find a very valuable item - his wife's ring

On 12 January, Daryl William Bridger and his wife were on their way home from dinner at Fatty Crab when his wife realised that she had left her ring on the restaurant's table.

They immediately rushed back to the restaurant and explained what happened to one of the aunties in charge

As the ring was a sentimental gift from his wife's mum, Daryl told the aunty that they will have to find it "by hook or by crook".

What the staff did next blew him away.

Some of them came together and scoured through all the rubbish bins in search of the lost ring.

"As soon as they found the ring, they applauded and cheered so loud as if it was their own ring. I was mesmerised," he wrote in a Facebook post

Finding the ring was a relief to the couple, but what the staff did for them left an even greater impact.

"Such sincerity and loyalty to their customers. They even rejected our tips. Man, we are forever grateful and we will always support you Fatty Crab. You have our heart forever starting today," he added.

Since then, his Facebook post has gone viral with over 630 shares.

Too sweet. :')

Image via GIPHY

You can read the full post below:

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