
The Internet Has Helped Reunite A Woman With The RM10 Note She Got From Her Late Father

The woman lost the note when her purse was stolen at a camp.

Cover image via Anne Malar Yesudass/Facebook

The Internet has its wondrous ways of reconnecting people to the items they lost.

This time, a lady in Melaka was able to get back a precious RM10 note that's worth so much more.

The search for the owner of an RM10 note with a sentimental message written on it was started by Facebook user Hyza Ezany.

"The last cash given by dad on 21/5/2010 Friday 7.10am. I love you, dad," the message scribbled on the note read.

The post, which was uploaded to Facebook on 30 November, has garnered over 24,000 shares since.

Within a day, the viral post reached the owner of the note, who expressed her utmost gratitude to Hyza and the people who have shared the post

"I found the person holding on to this now. Thank you so so... much. It was the most valuable thing [in] my life," Anne Malar Yesudass wrote in a Facebook post.

Anne related that she was 17 years old when her father gave her the money as pocket money before dropping her at school that morning.

And unfortunately that was the last day and last time I met him in my life.

"He met with an accident on that day and returned to our Lord in that accident."

Anne lamented that she had kept the note from 21 May 2010 until 1 September 2018, before losing it in a theft

"I was not sad that my purse was stolen, but I was terribly sad that this valuable thing [in] my life was stolen together.

"There was always [an] ache in my heart whenever I think of it."

She said that she was over the moon when her sister messaged screenshots of the post to her

"I really really feel so blessed. I thank so so so much sis Hyza Ezany for your (kindness on) sharing this," Anne wrote.

"The word ‘thank you’ alone is not enough actually... But the only thing that I can express (now is) my gratitude sis."

She ended the post by thanking netizens for sharing the post as well as all the lovely comments.

Many of Anne's friends were elated to know that she managed to find the note back too

"I never forget how much I cried for this. Finally, it's back to you. Happy for you dear. God always hears ur prays," a friend commented on her post.

"You are very lucky. Your dad (will) always (be) with you," another friend of Anne wrote.

Image via Facebook

Other netizens flocked to her profile to leave their well wishes and express how much they were touched by her story.

"Congratulations on getting it back! May your dad rest in peace," a netizen wrote.

"Why are my tears dripping (from reading this)? I am happy for you. May your dad rest in peace," another Facebook user commented.

Image via Facebook

You can read Anne's full post here:

Hyza, who works in CIMB Bank, chanced upon the note last week:

Thanks to the Internet, many long-lost family members found each other:

Here are other lost-and-found stories that have made headlines:

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