56-Year-Old Former DAP Branch Leader Violently Shot Dead In Own Home
The murder of 56-year-old former DAP Branch Chairman Wong Kong Ting has people wondering if Malaysia's political tension has reached new heights, or if the spat of gun crimes has return?
Murder Of Former DAP Branch Leader Not Politically Motivated
Police have ruled out political rivalry as the motive behind the killing of a former DAP branch chairman in Seri Manjung, Perak.
thestar.com.myState police chief Senior Deputy Comm Datuk Acryl Sani Abdullah Sani said 56-year-old Wong Kong Ting’s murder was not related to politics, although police were still investigating the matter.
thestar.com.my“I felt the need to clarify this to soothe any political tension that may have arisen. “It has also nothing to do with racial and religious sentiments,” he told journalists after the monthly gathering at the state police contingent headquarters here yesterday. “We are now looking into his social and work circles,” SDCP Acryl Sani said.
thestar.com.myTherefore, the police are now investigating the victim’s social connections as well as personal and family relationships. “The victim was an oil palm replanting contractor and we are also investigating if there was any business rivalry involved,” he told reporters after attending the monthly police gathering at the Perak police headquarters, here, today.
Former Kampung Jering DAP Branch Chairman Wong Kong Ting Was Murdered In His Home In Perak On 19 February 2014
Former DAP Branch Leader Wong Kong Ting Was Murdered In His Home In Perak On 20 February 2014.
Image via thestar.com.myMANJUNG: The former Kampung Jering DAP branch chairman was shot dead at his house in Kampung Jering in Ayer Tawar, near here.
thestar.com.myThe victim used to hold the position of Kg Jering DAP chairman for four years starting from 2005 and is now a normal party member in DAP.

The 56-Year-Old Man Was Shot At Least Seven Times In Front Of His House At 10pm On Wednesday
Sources said that Wong was shot at least seven times including three shots in the chest and stated that the police had found 10 bullet casings at the scene.
“Before the incident, the victim had just returned home at around 10pm after having drinks. His wife was in the house with his mother, child and cousin, and they were shocked to hear loud explosive noises from outside the house,” Bernama reported Jaafar as saying.
The Victim, Who Suffered Gunshots To His Chest, Abdomen And Hand, Uttered "I Have Been Shot..."
The former Kampung Jering DAP chairman, who sustained gunshot wounds to the chest, abdomen and hand had uttered, "I have been shot...", before he was sent to the Manjung Hospital where he died about an hour after the 10pm shooting incident.
Police forensics team looking for clues at the house of former DAP Kampung Jering branch chairman Wong Kong Ting.
Image via thestar.com.myFamily Members Found Him In A Pool Of Blood And Immediately Rushed Him To The Manjung Hospital But He Was Pronounced Dead On Arrival
Wong Kong Ting, 56, was found in a pool of blood in front of his house by family members, who heard several gunshots at about 10pm on Wednesday.
thestar.com.myThey were unaware at the time that Wong was ambushed upon his return by the gunmen who attacked him and escaped in the darkness. His wife, who was with her mother, children and a cousin, found the victim bloodied and groaning in pain on the ground.
The victim was rushed to the Manjung Hospital but was pronounced dead at about 11pm.
thestar.com.myFamily Members Found Him In A Pool Of Blood And Immediately Rushed Him To The Manjung Hospital But He Was Pronounced Dead On Arrival
Image via blogspot.comWong's Wife, Tan, Says She Thought Someone Was Playing Firecrackers When She Heard Explosion-Like Sounds
Wong's wife, who only wished to be identified as Tan, said her husband had returned home after dinner with friends at 10pm when the incident took place.
"I thought someone was playing firecrackers when I heard the loud explosion-like sounds but when I went to check after hearing my husband's cry for help, I was shocked to see him in a pool of blood," she said.
The Victim's 18-Year-Old Son Says His Neighbour Saw A Motorcycle Speeding Away From The House After Shots Were Fired
Wong's teenage son told Bernama that he saw his father sprawled on the ground after he was shot. "We were watching television in the house and heard the sound of my father's motorcycle entering the gate. Sudddenly, there was a loud explosion (gunshots).
thestar.com.my"Later, a neighbour informed me that a motorcycle was seen speeding away from the house after the shots were fired. "My father often went out with friends for food and drinks at a nearby shop," said the 18-year-old who declined to be identified.
thestar.com.myThe Victim's Elder Brother Says Wong Was A Good Man Who Had No Enemies
The elder brother of the victim Wong Kong Ting, said the victim was a good man who had no enemies. "We don't understand why anyone would want to hurt him let alone kill him," said his brother when met at Wong's house at Kampung Jering here yesterday.
Manjung Police Chief ACP Jaafar Baba Says There Could Be More Than One Assailant In The Killing
Manjung district police chief Assistant Commissioner Jaafar Baba in a news conference yesterday said the police had set up a team, headed by state criminal investigations department chief Datuk Mohd Dzuraidi Ibrahim to investigate the case.
The initial investigation of the site reveals several bullet casings and the police did not refute the possibility that there may be more than one person involved in the shooting.

"The victim's cause of death was due to massive loss of blood," he said, adding that Wong was also shot on his right arm. Jaafar noted that initial police investigation revealed that the suspects arrived at the scene on motorcycle before shooting Wong.
"We are still investigating the motive behind the killing," said Jaafar, adding the case has been classified under Section 302 of the Penal Code for murder.
DAP Leaders Are Still Unsure Whether It Was A Political Killing Or If There Were Personal Vendetta Involved
Perak DAP adviser Ngeh Koo Ham has confirmed the news. "Wong was a very good man. I cannot understand how anyone could do this to him. But this is a signal that the time has come for the police to really work at stopping crime instead of playing politics for the Umno-BN," Ngeh told Malaysia Chronicle.
"We don't know if there was any personal motive involved or whether the murder was related to politics. At this juncture, we hope the police will work fast and accurately because only the truth will satisfy the people," said Ngeh.
DAP Leaders Are Still Unsure Whether It Is A Political Killing Or If There Were Personal Vendetta Involved.
Image via mole.myPKR vice president Tian Chua was among those to offer his condolences to Wong's family. Like Ngeh, he too urged DAP supporters not to jump to conclusions. "At this point in time, there is no evidence that this is a political killing. But it is a grim reminder that all this Chinese-bashing from extremist groups insisting that the Opposition and the non-Malays are threatening Islam and Malays do not help," Tian, who is also the Batu MP, told Malaysia Chronicle.
Those With Information On The Shooting Are Encouraged To Contact The Police At These Numbers:
Those with information on the shooting are urged to contact the nearest police station or the investigation officer at 019-5753207 or the Manjung police station (05-6899922).