
This Banner Is Instilling A Message Of Goodwill That's Not Common During Election Period

A timely reminder.

Cover image via Selangorkini

The Malaysian 14th General Election (GE14) is just days away.

The flags are up in many places, but one particular banner spotted in Shah Alam, Selangor has stood out in a sea of political messages.

Image via Selangorkini

The banner isn't sophisticated as the images on it are only three party logos. However, the banner displays a few interesting lines.

The banner reads, "Tak kira apa pun fahaman politik, jangan sampai tak bertegur sapa dan saling bermusuhan. Kita semua satu komuniti, kekalkan muafakat. Ini negara demokrasi." (Regardless of our political beliefs, don’t let it be a reason for us to not greet each other and be enemies. We are a community, maintain consensus. This is a democratic country.)

The message was a timely reminder, especially since party workers and supporters have already begun their promotional efforts

Although the electoral campaign period for GE14 has not officially started (as it will only start after nomination of candidates are submitted on 28 April), tension is already rising in the air in the midst of the war between parties to attract voters.

As GE14 has been dubbed as the 'mother of all elections', it's possible that some family and friend relationships could be strained over political differences.

The banner was set up by the Persatuan Komuniti 19/3 and Kawasan Rukun Tetangga (KRT) 19/3 for the community in the area to remind them that they are friends, not foes.

However, the banner has not just reached just residents in the area because photos of it have also travelled to different parts of the country as they are being shared by netizens, as the message strongly resonates among them.

Meanwhile, Malay Mail managed to track down the man who was instrumental in setting up the viral banner

Malay Mail reported that "it took a bit of legwork amid the afternoon downpour" to find the individual behind the banner in Shah Alam yesterday, 24 April.

It turns out that 52-year-old Azmi Sambah, head of the apartment blocks in Seksyen 19/3 neighbourhood's joint management body, took the initiative to put up the banner to spread the positive message and to maintain the harmonious relations among the residents despite their political differences.

"Regardless of whichever political party we support, the goodwill and respect among each other must be maintained," the factory worker told the English daily, adding that the neighbours are the ones they meet every day.

It was reported that Azmi took matters in his own hands initially by forking out RM30 to make the banner, although he was later reimbursed from the apartment committee treasury.

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