
Mum Claims JB School Made Her 7-Year-Old Stand Under Scorching Sun For Being 10 Mins Late

"Who will take responsibility if my child collapses?" the mother of the boy asked in a TikTok video.

Cover image via @dvafella (TikTok

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A mother in Johor Bahru has claimed that her seven-year-old son was made to stand under the scorching sun for coming late to school

In a 13-second clip posted on her TikTok account @DvaFella yesterday, 10 May, the mother expressed her displeasure with the actions of a religious school teacher for exposing her son to the hot sun.

The mother, in a lengthy caption under the clip, stated that despite the Ministry of Health (MOH) requesting schools to practise caution given the heatwave in the country, the ustazah decided to punish her son for arriving 10 minutes late by making him stand under the scorching sun.

"My child was isolated from the students at the assembly and told to stand underneath the scorching sun at 2pm, whilst the ustazah was standing under the shade," she wrote in the caption of the viral clip.

She also questioned the wisdom behind the punishment, given the fact that there have been multiple deaths from the heatwave

"It breaks my heart to see my son punished like this; with his schoolbag, under the scorching heat. He was humiliated, ostracised, and wasn't allowed to join the assembly line for being 10 minutes late," she said.

The mother also highlighted the fact that classes had not even started and the classrooms were all empty, as the students were all still in the assembly when her son arrived at the school.

"Even if they wanted to punish my child, the teacher could have asked him to stand in the shade instead. Such stupid thinking the ustazah has... doesn't she or the school have common sense?" she asked.

"There are many cases of death due to heatstroke. Who will take responsibility if my child collapses? You will wash your hands clean and the parents will have to face the consequences," she added.

According to the mother, her son was not late on purpose.

"We were late for a reason. I am not a stupid mother that doesn't know the school rules. Just because he was going to be 10 minutes late, doesn't mean I'm not going to let him miss school," she said.

She also noted that the reason she did not intervene is because she didn't want to disturb the assembly.

Meanwhile, the Johor Islamic Religious Council (MAINJ) has taken note of the incident and has said that it will investigate the mother's claim

State Islamic Religious Affairs Committee chairperson Mohd Fared Mohd Khalid said that MAINJ's Islamic education department and the District Islamic Education Office have been directed to make a report.

"We are aware of the incident and we have asked these departments to investigate and prepare a complete report on it. The investigation will be conducted in detail," he told New Straits Times today, 11 May.

Watch the video here:


Dalam pada pihak KPM mengambil langkah berjaga² pada musim panas ni..anak aku selamba je ustazah denda JEMUR tengah cuaca panas atas alasan anak aku lambat ke sekolah. Dah la di pulaukan diasingkan berdiri jauh dari perhimpunan pelajar² lain disidainya anak aku sorang² bawah panas terik jam 2petang sedangkan ustazah tu pandai pulak berteduh bawah koridor. Makan hati jugak aku yang tengok anak aku baru berusia 7tahun darjah 1 kena DENDA macam tu terkontang kanting sorang² diBAWAH panas terik. DiMALUKAN DiPULAUkan dari masuk barisan perhimpunan sekolah. Tidak dibenarkan masuk barisan perhimpunan akibat lambat 10minit. Waktu pembelajaran masih belum bermula..semua pelajar belum lagi masuk ke bilik darjah. Masih lagi dalam perhimpunan. Agak² la kalau nak denda pun, tempat teduh ada kenapa ko JEMUR anak aku tengah panas terikk! Apa la bodoh sangat pemikiran..akal ada tak guna ke? Musim panas kematian akibat strok haba pun dah banyak kes sekarang. Kalau buatnya anak aku rebah time tu ko nk bertanggungjawab ke? Lepas tangan je alih² mak bapak jugak kena hadap. Maaf ya aku dah tak boleh sabar tengok anak aku kena denda macam tu. Depan² mata aku pulak kena sidai tengah panas macam tu, kat rumah aku on aircond 24jam ko pandai² sidai anak aku tengah PANAS. Risaunya dgn kes stroke haba sekarang. Anak aku lambat bukan sengaja² aku nak hantar lambat, anak aku lambat bersebab. Aku bukan ibu yang bodoh yang tak tahu peraturan sekolah. Takkan lambat 10minit menyebabkan anak dah tak boleh hadir ke sekolah terus pada hari itu. Jadi warga pendidik ni kena peka..kena bijak kena ada jiwa. Pandang budak tu macam anak ko sendiri, budak tu baru darjah 1 kot. Baru nak belajar kenal alam persekolahan yg sebenar. Banyak cara lagi ko boleh denda kenapa cara bodoh jugak ko pilih? Salah ke kalau ko denda bawah tempat teduh macam ko berteduh bawah koridor?? Ko pandai cari tempat teduh nak berucap. #sekolahagamasesipetang #Pejabatpendidikanagamajohor #kementerianpendidikanmalaysia #pejabatagamanegerijohor @Fadhlina Sidek @KPM

Lagu Sedih - Muhammad abdul jafar

There have been multiple cases of kids dying from heatstroke recently:

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