
Khairy Tells UMNO's Lokman He Has The "IQ Of A Carrot" And Twitter Went Wild

A perfect Sunday Twitterstorm!

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Lately, the Malaysian Twittersphere has been blessed with Khairy's unabashed attitude and vocal rebukes of his own party members

Just yesterday, the Rembau MP refuted Najib's claims that BN lost GE14 because of "fraud, defamation and false promises made by Pakatan Harapan."

In his somewhat of a newfound honesty following GE14, Khairy simply tweeted:

The response from Khairy riled up Lokman Noor Adam, a diehard Najib supporter.

Lokman, who is a member of the UMNO Supreme Council, then called Khairy "stupid" and accused him of being vain and narcissistic.

Lokman then engaged with a tweet Khairy had posted back in August, addressing Finance Minister Lim Guan Eng on GST vs SST

It's unclear as to why Lokman decided to reply to a tweet that's over three months old.

Not the one to be pushed into a corner, Khairy took Lokman to the task, saying he would sack him for "having the IQ of a carrot"

It was at this moment, Twitter went wild

They joked at Lokman's expense:

Reacted using gifs, laughing at Lokman:

Needless to say, it was a perfect Sunday Twitterstorm!

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