Loy Krathong Concert Organiser Faces Up To RM10K Fine For Not Restricting Muslims' Entry
A 30-second video went viral showing "scantily clad" singers performing at the concert in Kelantan.
The organiser of the recent Loy Krathong Festival concert in Bachok, Kelantan, will face a fine of up to RM10,000 for violating the conditions set for the event
According to Bernama, Kelantan local government, housing, health, and environment committee chairperson Hilmi Abdullah said the event had a permit and did not breach the Kelantan Entertainment Control Enactment, contrary to claims by certain parties.
However, he said the organiser is facing a fine because the performers did not comply with the dress code and a People's Volunteer Corps (RELA) officer did not stop Muslims from entering the concert grounds.
"The organiser applied for a permit for the event on 25 June. It was granted on 20 September after we explained the conditions and rules, including that it be a closed-door event and attended only by Buddhist devotees.
"However, the organiser has failed to comply with the rules, featuring singers from Thailand who did not comply with the dress code. They also allowed Muslims into the concert," Hilmi said.
He added that the organiser admitted their failure to notify their RELA officers to restrict the entry of Muslims.
Hilmi's clarification on the issue comes after Kelantan Wanita PKR chief Nor Azmiza Mamat's request for asked the state government to investigate a video of the event featuring "scantily clad" singers
Hilmi said that after the video went viral, his office conducted an investigation involving several parties, including representatives from of the Bachok Islamic Tourism city district council, the police, religious officials, and the organiser of the concert
The Loy Krathong Festival is a yearly traditional Siamese celebration observed by Thais to honour the Goddess of Water and Buddha.
The concert was held within the compound of Buddhist temple Wat Pathumviharn in Kampung Balai last Friday, 24 November.
A video that went viral shows a large crowd joyously dancing to music delivered by female performers.
Following the controversy, an individual posted a video documenting his visit to the temple, revealing a sign at the entrance stating "no entry for Malays or Muslims".
A note that reads "no entry for Malays or Muslims" can be found at the entrance of the temple.
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