
Zahid Hamidi Says EO Detainees Are to Be Blamed for Gun Violence

With cases of gunshots mistaken for fireworks and exploding packages, the recent burst of violent gun crimes in Malaysia has not only left people worried, but asking "how did we get here?" Zahid Hamidi believes this is a consequence of abolishing the Emergency Ordinance, but Lim Guan Eng begs to differ.

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In June this year, KL was listed as the 'sixth most dangerous city in the world'

Soon after, we witness cases after cases of shootings

Police then found out that gun syndicates are renting guns and selling bullets at an affordable price

Police believe that a gang turf war has sparked because former Emergency Ordinance detainees are reclaiming their old neighbourhood

Police believe that a gang turf war has sparked because former Emergency Ordinance detainees are reclaiming their old neighbourhood.

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A war in the underworld is believed to be the motive behind three shooting cases in Penang, which all occurred over a span of 24 hours, The Star reported today.

Police believe that a gangland war has spilled out into the open and their leaders have become bolder in fighting for territory, now that many former Emergency Ordinance (EO) detainees are back in action.

According to the sources, the ex-detainees want to reclaim their old neighbourhoods and eliminate those who had taken over their activities, especially the highly lucrative distribution of drugs.

The police say gang rivalry is becoming more violent due to the lucrative drug trade

Malaysian police are still probing the spate of fatal shootings in Selangor but it is believed that most of the cases are linked to a gangland turf war for control of the drug trade and vice activities.

In spite of efforts by the authorities to cut off drug supply, gangs have been raking in profits from drugs through well established networks here.

Police says the gang rivalry was mainly related to drug distribution and casualties could be expected with the gangs trying to impose their control in certain areas.

Home Minister Zahid Hamidi says the abolishment of the Emergency Ordinance in 2011 has set 260,000 criminals free

Home Minister Zahid Hamidi says the abolishment of the Emergency Ordinance in 2011 has set 2,600 criminals free.<br/><br/>

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According to Ahmad Zahid, there are about 260,000 criminals roaming Malaysian streets after the Emergency Ordinance (EO) was abolished in 2011.

Ahmad Zahid told the Umno-owned Mingguan Malaysia that the police had reached this statistic based on 2,600 former detainees released from Simpang Renggam detention centre.

“Then these right-hand men have their own set of right-hand men. Multiply this to the earlier 26,000 and you have 260,000,” the Umno vice-president told the paper.

“Each has his hardcore followers. If each of the released detainees had 10 right-hand men, this translated to 26,000 who are with them.

He asks for the public and the opposition to be fair to the police

Home Minister Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi calls on the public to be fair to the police in their fight against hardcore criminals in Malaysia.

Ahmad Zahid lamented that the opposition could not see the consequences of the EO being abolished. He said the opposition just blamed the government when crime occurred. “They feel fighting crime is the sole responsibility of the government,” said Ahmad Zahid.

“The opposition quarters do not see it. How do you manage inmates who are out from Simpang Renggam. They are now ‘in the market’ and now we ask, what has the opposition done pertaining to this?”

Lim Guan Eng says the Emergency Ordinance does not explain where are all the guns coming from

Lim Guan Eng says the Emergency Ordinance does not explain where are all the guns coming from.

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“Blaming the repeal of the Emergency Ordinance (EO) that released many hardened criminals does not fully explain how a ready supply of guns has suddenly surged in Malaysia."

DAP Secretary-General Lim Guan Eng has asked how so many guns entered Malaysia. “How did the guns enter Malaysia? The police must trace and stop the source that supplies such weapons,” he said.

“Despite harsh death penalty laws on possession of guns and bullets in Malaysia, the supply of guns in the hands of secret societies are so common that Malaysia appears to be like America where guns can be simply bought off retail stores.”

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