
Man Who Threw USD14,000 In Street After A Bad Day At Work Is Now Asking For His Money Back

He said that he acted on impulse.

Cover image via SCMP

A 42-year-old man from southeastern China acted on impulse and threw more than 100,000 yuan (USD14,111) into the air on Monday, 9 September

The man, identified as Huang, had withdrawn the cash from a bank in Shishi city, Fujian province, according to South China Morning Post (SCMP) on Wednesday.

The 42-year-old, who admitted that he acted on impulse, caused a traffic jam with passers-by falling over each other to grab whatever cash they could.

Image via SCMP

According to the fellow, he was having a bad day at work

However, he now regrets what he did and is hoping he will get the money back, said the municipal police bureau in a statement issued on Weibo.

While authorities criticised Huang for his "inappropriate behaviour", they said that the man's impulsive move had caused him a lot of trouble.

They, too, have now asked the public to return the money he threw away.

After the request from the Shishi police, some of the USD14,111 money that Huang splashed had been returned by Tuesday evening

"Huang is from an ordinary family and not rich at all. A sudden impulse has caused big trouble for himself and his family," the police said.

Please be rational and return the money.

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