
Married Couple Harassed For Holding Hands In Kelantan By Group Claiming To Be Authorities

"When we produced our marriage documents, they went quiet and did not even apologise."

Cover image via Facebook

On Friday, 8 March, a woman took to social media to share her experience of being intimidated by a group of men in Kelantan

Image via Facebook

Her Facebook post has received over 7,000 shares at the time of writing.

The woman and her husband were holding hands at Senok Beach when several men confronted them about their public display of affection

The group, who claimed to be Islamic authorities, were recording the couple when they approached them.

Image via Facebook

"I wouldn't mind being advised in a proper manner, but if you come at us trying to pick a fight, it is a different story altogether," she wrote.

Angered by their "lack of tact", the woman began recording the confrontation on her phone.

"Why are we being harassed when there are underaged kids on the beach holding hands too? Why not advise them?"

The couple then informed the men that they are actually married.

"When we produced our marriage documents, they went quiet and did not even apologise," she said.

Image via Facebook

The woman clarified that she was not trying to "humiliate anyone," but that the group sought out to intentionally embarrass them without first confirming their marital status

"Why try to humiliate my husband and I?" she said, adding that they were with her parents and siblings at the time.

"So a reminder to married couples - don't hold hands or hug each other in public because people will say it's 'haram'. To unmarried couples, please feel free to hug and touch each other as it will be considered 'halal'," she wrote.

Angered netizens expressed support for the woman in the comments section of her Facebook post

Image via Facebook

"Let their wives and children see and hear this. Teach them a lesson. Next time they should just ask nicely and apologise," wrote one netizen.

When a Facebook user asked if the men had showed identification or proof that they were religious authorities, she replied, "No they didn't. They refused to and asked if I was gonna make this incident viral."

Watch the woman's video here:

Posted by Julissa Hisham II on Friday, 8 March 2019

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