
A Malaysia Airlines Steward Was Arrested In Australia For Smuggling Heroin Worth RM4.2Mil

He was flying from Kuala Lumpur to Melbourne.

Cover image via EPA/Fazry Ismail

A 33-year-old Malaysia Airlines flight attendant has been caught smuggling 3.5kg of heroin valued at RM4.2 million into Australia

According to a report in Mail Online, the flight attendant was arrested at Melbourne International Airport after allegedly importing 3.5kg of heroin on a commercial flight.

The report cited the Herald Sun saying that he is an employee with Malaysian Airlines.

Image via Mail Online

Reportedly, Australian Border Force officers noticed the man behaving "suspiciously" after arriving from Kuala Lumpur yesterday

After he was searched by officers, they allegedly found 10 packets wrapped in masking tape, reported the British daily tabloid newspaper.

"The packets underwent preliminary testing and returned an indication of heroin," it reported an Australian Federal Police spokesperson as saying.

A witness saw who the 33-year-old said that he 'looked like he knew something was about to happen' before he was arrested

"He went to the bag but left it at the carousel for a few minutes. They waited for him to pick up the bag before they arrested him," the witness was quoted as saying.

The Malaysia Airlines steward has been charged with possessing and importing drugs and is due to appear in court on 6 August

Meanwhile, Free Malaysia Today (FMT) said that Malaysia Airlines has confirmed that one of its cabin crew members had been detained by Australian authorities on 13 May. The airlines, however, refused to divulge further information.

"The airline is committed to cooperating fully with the authorities.

"Malaysia Airlines has very strict policies and guidelines that govern staff conduct and all staff are required to adhere to the airline’s code of business conduct with the highest level of integrity," FMT reported Malaysia Airlines as saying today.

Image via Mail Online

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