
MOHE Demands Explanation Over Limkokwing University's Racist Billboard

"Although [the university] apologised, the ministry would continue [its] investigation to protect the reputation and image of the country."

Cover image via Sam Chin (Provided to SAYS)

Limkokwing University has been issued a show-cause letter from the Ministry of Higher Education over its racist billboard which went viral earlier this year

During a Parliamentary seating on 15 July, Malaysiakini quoted Higher Education Minister Noraini Ahmad as saying that, "The ministry takes note and takes seriously the racism accusation against the management of Limkokwing University of Creative Technology (LUCT) as circulated in social media."

She added that the ministry had issued a show-cause letter to get further explanation.

A show-cause letter is a written notice that requires a party to justify, explain, prove, or present something before the court. If the party cannot convince the court or fails to appear, a course of action will be taken.

"Although LUCT had apologised, the ministry would continue [its] investigation to protect the reputation and image of the country," she replied to Member of Parliament for Bangi, Ong Kian Ming.

"We will not compromise on matters that involve racism and will make sure all complaints on this matter are resolved," Noraini added.

"The ministry can take stern action against any party, including the management of higher education institutions if found guilty of issues of racism and the like."

Earlier this year, students called out Limkokwing University on its controversial billboard which was displayed on its campus

Limkokwing later released a statement saying that the billboard had been removed and apologised for the matter stating that they "do not condone any discriminatory acts against any particular race as that will be totally against [their] mandate".

The poster had shown its founder, Lim Kok Wing, posing with a cheetah along with the words 'King of Africa' above his head. Next to that was an image of Sierra Leone students surrounding Lim Kok Wing.

You can read more about the issue here:

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