
Motorcyclist Hits Woman With Helmet After Car Honk Mistake

A motorcyclist could not control his anger when he thought a woman had honked her car at him.

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A 35-Year-Old Woman Was Beaten Up By A Man Who Thought She Had Honked At Him

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Image via sleeplessinkl

KAJANG: A 35-year-old woman suffered injuries to her face after a motorcyclist struck her with a helmet when he thought she had honked at him.

The Women Was Going For Breakfast When The Incident Happened At 10.30am On Thursday, 22 July 2014

District OCPD Asst Comm Ab Rashid Ab Wahab said the road rage incident happened at about 10.30am on Tuesday while the woman was in Sungai Jelok to have her breakfast.

She Was Driving Her Car When She Honked At A Man Whom She Thought Was Her Uncle

“She was driving in her Proton Iswara when she spotted someone resembling her uncle across the road. She honked her car to alert him.

A 54-Year-Old Motorcyclist Nearby Thought She Had Honked At Him. He Scolded Her And Started Hitting Her Car With His Helmet.

“However, a 54-year-old motorcyclist who was at that time near her vehicle thought she was honking at him,” he said Wednesday. ACP Ab Rashid said the man scolded the female driver and started hitting her car with his helmet.

The Woman Alighted From Her Car To Explain The Situation To Him But He Struck Her In The Face With The Helmet

“The woman alighted from the vehicle to clarify the situation but the motorcyclist struck her face with the helmet, causing injuries to her left chin,” he explained.

Police Arrested The Man After The Woman Lodged A Police Report. She Suffered Injuries To Her Left Chin.

Police identified the culprit following a report lodged by the woman and arrested him at a house in Sungai Jelok the same night. He confirmed that the case is being probed under Section 324 of Penal Code for intentionally causing hurt with a dangerous weapon.

The Man Had A Previous Criminal Record And Will Be In Police Custody For Three Days

ACP Ab Rashid said the man, who has one previous criminal record, would be in police custody for three days.

While Crimes Fuelled By Road Rage Are Not Unheard Of, It Has Gained More Attention Following The #CDM25 Case

ACP Ab Rashid explained that crimes fuelled by road rage are not unheard of, but have gained more attention after a 30-year-old woman was filmed hammering an elderly man’s car with a steering lock at the parking lot of UTC, Jalan Sekilau in Kuantan on July 14. “We advise the public to alert us of any incident of road rage so that swift action can be taken against the perpetrators,” he said.

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