
Mum Breaks Down After Daughter Surprises Her By Coming Home From London Early For Raya

We are not crying. You're crying.

Cover image via arifrizwn/twitter

In a tweet posted past midnight, 15 June, a mother is seen breaking down with joy after her daughter came home early for Hari Raya

In the tweet, a less than a minute-long video, which was recorded and uploaded by the woman's son, Arif Rizwan, shows the daughter, who lives in London, whispering: "We are about to surprise ibu"

And seeing by how the mother, who gasped at the first sight of her daughter and then fell on her knees, screaming with joy and tears in her eyes, we would say she was more than surprised. Watch:

The tweet, meanwhile, has gone viral, racking in thousands of retweets with hundreds of emo replies, all missing their mum :')

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