
Take Note! New Tax Stamps Are Being Rolled Out For Malaysian Cigarettes

The initiative, carried out by Royal Malaysian Customs, started on 1 August 2016.

Cover image via Royal Malaysian Customs

The Royal Malaysian Customs Department has announced that new Cigarette Tax Stamps will be placed on legal and authentic cigarette packs starting this month

The move, which began on 1st August 2016, will be implemented in stages. Here's a look at the new tax stamps:

For reference, duty-free stamps are for cigarettes bought at tax-free locations, such as Langkawi and airports.

The new stamps will be replacing the security ink currently used on the bottom of cigarette packs

If you weren't aware before, the present security ink changes colour to signify its duty status: red for duty unpaid or green for duty paid.

The next time you're buying a pack of cigarettes, whether it's the hard or soft pack, just keep a look out for this sticker:

Example of New Cigarette Tax Stamp on a hard pack

Image via Royal Malaysian Customs

Example of Cigarette Tax Stamp on a soft pack

Image via Royal Malaysian Customs

The #1 benefit of the new tax stamps? You'll have more control to find out whether the cigarettes in your hand are regulated or otherwise!

By switching to the new stamps, tobacco products are geared to be in compliance with the World Health Organisation Framework (FCTC), which uses a 'Track and Trace' system that facilitates monitoring of tobacco supply.
Image via The Good Films

The new tax stamps are a major effort to ramp up security and curb the distribution of illegal cigarettes, which are potentially fatal due to its unregulated levels of chemicals. Their ties to organised crime definitely don't help either!

The JKDM2u app makes it easy for you to scan the Tax Stamp code and receive proper verification on the products you're buying

If you're unsure of the origins and quality of the cigarettes you're about to buy, just whip out the JKDM2u mobile app and let it take all the guesswork out for you. To download the app, choose your preferred OS: Android | iOS.

Some brands have already started rolling out the new stamps, but manufacturers are given until 1 October 2016 to fully switch

The last you'll see the Tax Stamp and Security Ink products co-existing is by 31 March 2017. Following that, it's Tax Stamps all the way!

Image via Tumblr

Read on for more info on illegal cigarettes:

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