
"No Solid Evidence Of Bullying" – TV Network Concludes Probe On Miss Asia Malaysia Winner

The beauty queen has also apologised for any unkind things she may have done when she was young.

Cover image via @luweexxi (Instagram)

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ATV News has concluded that the newly crowned winner of its Miss Asia Pageant in Malaysia, Luwe Xin Hui, is not a bully after an official investigation into the matter

The television network and organiser of the beauty pageant had earlier said it would conduct an investigation after their show winner was accused on social media of bullying her classmates when in high school.

In a statement on Monday, 9 October, ATV News said as a result of the investigation, and after trying to reach out to the claimants, that "there is no substantial evidence to show that Luwe Xin Hui's behaviour at the time was considered bullying".

Image via ATV News

It said that Luwe was indeed subject to disciplinary action for multiple violations during her high school years

However, ATV News said she had already privately reconciled with the classmates involved and believes that she had "already paid the price for her actions at the time".

"The organisers do not believe that these actions are enough to label Luwe as a bully for life. To date, there is still insufficient evidence to classify her behaviour as bullying," it reiterated.

Nevertheless, the television network said it has issued a stern warning to Luwe and hopes that she would take responsibility and apologise for any wrongdoings.

Besides that, ATV News also emphasised that many allegations made about Luwe on social media were false and strongly condemned the accusations.

"Such serious accusations against the organiser, the judging panel, and the contestants will seriously affect the reputation of all units," it said, adding that it will take legal action against the rumours.

The beauty queen has also apologised for any unkind things she may have done when she was young

Besides admitting to mocking one classmate and refuting all other allegations in a video statement on 27 September, Luwe has once again only admitted to poor behaviour when she was younger.

"Everyone deserves respect and care. I regret not being more friendly and considerate to my classmates," she wrote on Instagram today, 10 October, after ATV News posted the result of its investigation.

"I have deeply reflected on my mistakes, learned from this punishment, and hope that I will have the opportunity to clear my name in the future. I will redouble my efforts to improve myself. I have changed since high school and I take the issue of bullying seriously," she said.

She added that she is also still open to talk with anyone whom she may have hurt or offended in the past and is willing to resolve any grievances.

"I feel guilty and sincerely hope to be forgiven. I hope to have the opportunity to prove to you that I am no longer the ignorant, thoughtless, and rebellious person I once was," she said.

Luwe found herself at the centre of controversy after her social media posts became inundated with netizens exposing her history as a bully:

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