
Panicked Father Rushes To Roadblock So Officers Can Help His Wife Deliver A Baby

One officer helped the woman unravel the child's umbilical cord that was wrapped around its neck while another officer covered the baby in a towel.

Cover image via Harian Metro & Hari Anggara/Malay Mail

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A woman safely delivered a baby in a car with the help of two police officers at a roadblock in Sarawak

According to Harian Metro, the incident took place around 11.50pm last night, 10 June, at a roadblock on the Kuching-Samarahan Expressway.

The 26-year-old mother and her 28-year-old husband were on their way to the Sarawak General Hospital when they had to pass the police roadblock.

Image via Harian Metro

The officers on duty rushed to help the mother when the husband informed them that she was giving birth

27-year-old L/CPL Noor Fatihah Azelam said that she was on duty at the roadblock from 4pm until 12am.

"I approached the car and saw that the woman had already given birth," she said.

"I helped her unravel the umbilical cord that was wrapped around the child's neck."

After that, her colleague, CPL Perakson Jennie wrapped the baby in a towel so it wouldn't be cold.

The mother and the child were then taken to the hospital after the ordeal

Samarahan district police chief DSPT Sudirman Kram confirmed the incident with Harian Metro.

He said that the woman's husband drove up to the roadblock in panic, hoping to get help.

"Our officer found that the woman had already given birth and assisted her. Coincidentally, another officer who was about to report for duty also helped cover the child in a towel she had brought," he explained.

Here are other stories about police officers who had to help mothers deliver their babies:

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