
[SHARE] Penangite Loses His iPhone In Paris And Gets It Back From A Guy In India

In our FEEL GOOD FRIDAY column this week, we bring to you a story of how a man from Penang who lost his iPhone in Paris, got it back after receiving a call - all the way from India.

Cover image via (Alex Tan)

During his recent trip to Paris, when Penang-based wedding photographer, Alex Tan lost his iPhone 5, he consoled himself thinking he is never going to find it

Photographer Alex Tan

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But what happened to Alex a week later, helps in further strengthening our belief that there are good people all around us

An unrelated GIF used for illustration purposes only.

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A week after returning to Malaysia and buying Apple's new iPhone 6, Alex received a call - all the way from India - from a man who said that he found his iPhone from the cab Alex had lost it in

An unrelated GIF of Leonardo Wilhelm DiCaprio used for illustration purposes only.

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Narrating his experience on his Facebook profile, Alex wrote that "it was so hard to believe that there (was) such a good kind hearted man who called me up and wanted to courier back my phone to me from India!"

Thinking it might be a scam of some kind, Alex asked the caller from India how much money he would need to pay in order to receive his lost iPhone. But the caller simply asked for Alex's name and mailing address so that he could courier it to his place.

An unrelated GIF of Supernatural Dean used for illustration purposes only.

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The most feel good part of this story? After a couple of weeks, Alex actually received a parcel from a courier company, containing his long lost iPhone 5, which was originally lost in Paris. Can you believe it 'traveled' all the way back to Malaysia?

Actual image of the courier, his iPhone 5 and the conversation Alex had with his caller from India.

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Happily surprised, Alex texted the kind man to thank him and asked for his address to send him a token of appreciation. But the man refused to accept. Here's Alex's original post, that has been Liked over 1,000 times at the time of publishing this story.

Screenshot of Alex Tan's post on Facebook

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Responding to Alex's post, several of his friends congratulated Alex and blessed the unnamed sender from India for his good deed

A screengrab from the collage of comments posted on Alex Tan's post on his Facebook profile. The names of the commenters have been removed by SAYS.

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There were others who shared similar stories about their experiences

A screengrab from Alex Tan's post on his Facebook profile.

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As Alex expressed, the world is indeed still beautiful with lovely people around. On that note, here are more feel good stories on SAYS:

Meanwhile, if you haven't seen this list of popular travel scams from around the world, you should:

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