
People Are Praising This Mamak Owner For Donating Food To Police During The Temple Riot

He noticed that the cops could not take a break during their duty and wanted to help.

Cover image via Michelle Ng/Facebook

A mamak owner has gone above and beyond to look after police officers who were involved in the Subang Jaya temple riot on 26 November

Image via Bernama

Subang Jaya ADUN Michelle Ng Mei Sze shared in a Facebook post yesterday, 30 November, that the restaurant dealer from Sri Melur USJ 17 noticed that the police were too busy and did not have time to eat.

"So, in the middle of the night he prepared food and sent it to them [police]," she wrote.

The Subang Jaya ADUN added that the man also sponsored breakfast, lunch, and dinner for the cops yesterday

"This is our culture. This is Malaysia," wrote Ng, ending her post by revealing that Sri Melur has often donated food to those in need.

A photo showing one of the staff carrying a bag of the food while standing next to a police car has since gone viral with over 3,000 shares on Facebook.

Following the post, Malaysians have been applauding the mamak for looking out for their fellow countrymen

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"Amazing and well done to the staff and boss of Sri Melur. This is really the 'Muhibbah' spirit. Also to our Indian friends who helped save Muhammad Adib, thank you," wrote one netizen.

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"So much win, Sri Melur! #SubangJaya", wrote another.

Image via Facebook

"Kudos to Sri Melor... this is a true Malaysian way of giving a helping hand," wrote one netizen.

On top of the praise for the owner's generousity, several Malaysians pointed out that the mamak serves great roti canai :p

Image via Facebook
Image via Facebook

One netizen even wrote that she knew the "anneh" in the photo and noticed how hardworking he is at the mamak on other occasions.

Image via Facebook

This is truly what it means to be Malaysian. We salute you, Sri Melur!

Image via Giphy

In case you missed it, read more about the temple riot here:

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