SAYS Is Ranked 8th Most Visited Local News Site In Malaysia!
We couldn't have done it without the support from you, the readers! was the biggest mover in November 2014 comScore ratings, climbing 12 positions to becoming the 17th most viewed local website in Malaysia
Malaysian Digital Association (MDA) and comScore Inc measures web activity among Malaysian Internet users and releases these reports every month.
SAYS logged in 554,000 unique visitors, effectively beating out other news sites including The Malaysian Insider, Utusan Malaysia and Astro Awani
SAYS was first ranked as top 30 local websites from desktop computers in Malaysia in October 2014, coming in at 29th with 424,000 unique visitors
The latest results mark SAYS as the eighth most visited local news website in Malaysia is living up to its name of "Malaysia's fastest growing news site", a title that was given by Marketing Interactive in December 2013, after the news site generated over 1 million unique visitors in a little over a year
"According to Google Analytics, is Malaysia’s fastest growing news website, generating over one million unique visitors since its revamp on 18 October 2013," Marketing Interactive reported in a December 2013 report.
The latest comScore results are exciting to the team at SAYS, who sees it as motivation to continue serving their signature local list-icles and insightful news pieces specifically written for the social media generation
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