
M'sians Promise To Stop By This Humble Corn Stall In Terengganu After Viral Tweet

"I'm kind of sad looking at mum and dad lately. Selling corn until they fall asleep."

Cover image via Twitter @fyraphobia_

A woman took to Twitter last weekend to share about her parents' humble food stall, hoping that it would gain some exposure online

Little did she know that her story of their modest way of earning a living would blow up, gaining the support of Malaysians from far and wide with more than 33,000 retweets since it was posted on Saturday, 18 January.

The woman was identified by Malay Mail as Ain'nur Syafiera Asrul Rizan from Terengganu.

"I'm kind of sad looking at mum and dad lately. Selling corn until they fall asleep," the 22-year-old began in her tweet

"I know I'm not Twitter-famous, but I hope Twitter can help things like this go viral. There's still a lot of corn left," Syafiera wrote, adding the address and name of her parents' stall in Marang, Terengganu.

She then listed the homemade corn products that they sell, which include steamed or roasted corn, corn in a cup, blended corn juice made by her mother herself, and even real bee's honey that is harvested by a friend of her father.

She wrote that her father works as a lorry driver for an oil palm plantation during the day and helps her mother with the roadside stall at night

"My dad's an oil palm driver, but recently a lot of trees have been cut down so my dad isn't earning much. My mum started to sell corn to cover the costs of my siblings," said Syafiera.

"Mum opens the stall at 7.30am every morning and sells corn until 11pm at night."

"I'm actually crying while writing this," she shared, but laughed when her mother asked her to post about her homemade corn juice.

"My mum said that we sell this so that we can have a little more to spend, but it's tiring."

Sadly, they have not had many customers because they are located at the end of the road and are considered new compared to the other corn vendors nearby

However, Syafiera said that her mum still keeps the prices low and extends her kindness to those in need whenever she can.

"My mum always gives free corn to first buyers too, even if they don't buy a lot," she added.

She also recounted her mother did the same when a car had stopped by to buy some corn and nuts earlier that day.

"The car was filled to the brim and one of their kids asked to buy some corn in a cup," said Syafiera.

"They paid using coins, and it wasn't enough for RM1, but my mum just gave it to them anyway."

"She said, 'Even during hard times, there are people who have it harder than us.'"

Twitter users were touched by Syafiera's story

Several promised to stop by her parents' stall the next time they were in Terengganu, while others commended her for helping her parents' business by promoting it online.

To help potential customers, Syafiera even helped her mother start a Facebook page for the stall and added a Google Map entry to help people locate it easily.

"I'm from Pasir Puteh, Kelantan. Every week we would travel somewhere. Hopefully this week we will stop by to rest and eat at your stall okay?" assured a netizen.

While this Twitter user said, "I'm not in Terengganu but I hope your parents get to sell as much corn as possible!"

This user acknowledged that vendors have to be creative to run a business as there are many other competitors also selling steamed corn in the area.

"Good job and congratulations. I hope many people stop by your shop in the future," wished this user.

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