
"She Was Hitting The Coffin" — 76-Year-Old Woman Returns From The 'Dead' During Her Wake

"I want her alive and by my side," said her son.

Cover image via @ElInformanteMX (Twitter) & Rhodi Lopez/Unsplash

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Last Sunday, 11 June, a 76-year-old woman in Ecuador woke up from her coffin during her own wake, after being declared dead two days earlier

The woman's son, Gilberto Balberán, told The Economic Times that five hours after his mother, Bella Montoya's, wake, the coffin started to make sounds.

"She was hitting the box with her left hand," he explained.

AP News cited Balberán as saying that when he and his relatives approached Montoya, they could see that she was breathing heavily.

A video of the incident has since been shared on Twitter with a total 64,500 views at the time of writing.

Currently, Montoya is under medical observation in an intensive care unit (ICU)

Balberán told El Universo that his mother's heart is stable and she is on oxygen support.

"I am slowly processing what has happened. Now I only ask that my mother's health improves. I want her alive and by my side," he added.

Image for illustration purposes only.

Image via Freepik

Montoya was admitted to a government hospital in Martín Icaza, Ecuador on Friday, 9 June, after she suffered from a stroke

According to The Economic Times, the Ecuador Ministry of Health said that the woman suffered from cardiac and respiratory arrest without responding to resuscitation attempts, after which the doctor on duty confirmed her death.

The ministry is currently investigating the case with a medical audit to "determine responsibility" for the fake death certificate.

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