
Singaporeans Are Actually Paying Foreign Workers RM15 Per Hour To Line Up For Bak Kwa

The queue for this particular bak kwa shop in Singapore is known to be insanely long, especially during CNY season.

Cover image via Singapore Today Network / China Press

Mmm... bak kwa. The barbecued slices of dried caramelised meat that are a must-have staple for Chinese New Year. In fact, they're so sought-after that Singaporeans are willing to endure insanely long queues to get their hands on some!

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A video that's been widely circulated among Singaporeans and Malaysians on social media shows an impossibly long line of people waiting to buy bak kwa from Lim Chee Guan, one of Singapore's most popular bak kwa shops

Image via Facebook

In the 1 minute 30 second video, the line stretches all along the pedestrian walkway and even across the street onto another row of shop lots from the Lim Chee Guan bak kwa shop in New Bridge Road, Chinatown.

The establishment also has two more branches in Ion Orchard and People's Park Complex, but Singaporeans and tourists alike tend to gravitate to the main branch in New Bridge Road - especially during the festive season - as it is said to be the most consistent in terms of quality and taste.

People actually came prepared with small chairs, stools, and pieces of cardboard to sit on as they wait for the line to move along

Image via Facebook

Some have taken the mania one notch higher, paying foreign workers to line up overnight and help them purchase the famous bak kwa

According to China Press, these guys are paid SGD5.00 (RM15.62) per hour to line up from 9.00pm the night before until the shop opens its doors at 9.00am the next morning

Would you queue up in a line that long for the best bak kwa in town? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below.

Well, Malaysians are no different, especially when international brands are involved:

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