
Two Robbers Attempted To Run Over A Police Car But Crashed Into A Tree Instead

The suspects fled with the victim's phone and wallet.

Cover image via & Federal Way Mirror

On Sunday, 25 August, two men robbed a foreigner who was on his way to work at a petrol station in Sungai Buloh

Harian Metro reported that the incident took place at about 9.00 am when the victim, a Bangladeshi man, was crossing the road to his workplace.

Sungai Buloh district police chief Superintendent Shafa’aton Abu Bakar said, "The victim was approached by two men in a Proton Saga BLM. Suspects then fled with the victim's phone and wallet which contained about RM100 cash."

A police officer on duty nearby saw what happened and chased after the suspects

Mobile Patrol Vehicle (MPV).

Image via New Straits Times

The officer was filling up on gas for his Mobile Patrol Vehicle (MPV) when he saw the incident take place. He got in the car and drove after them.

The suspects' car then tried to escape through a one-way street but was blocked by oncoming traffic.

One of the suspects got out of the car and took off while the other tried to crash the mobile petrol vehicle (MPV).

The suspect missed and his car swerved into a tree on the curb.

Image via Berita Harian

The police officer only managed to apprehend one of the two suspects.

According to Shafa'aton, a background check revealed that the arrested suspect has a criminal history.

The police are actively searching for the other culprit that got away.

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