
Two-Year-Old Girl Kidnapped From Mall Found Beheaded By Klang River

A two-year-old girl who went missing when she was out shopping with her mother was found dead by the Klang River with her head severed on 29 May 2014.

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Police Confirms Identity Of Suspect Who Beheaded Two-Year-Old Siti Sofea Emelda

Siti Sofea Emelda

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Police have confirmed the body of a man who was fished out from Sungai Klang near Sunway toll plaza on Saturday, is the killer of 18-month-old toddler Siti Sofea Emelda.

Dang Wangi police chief Assistant Commissioner Zainuddin Ahmad said the 37-year old suspect’s fingerprints matched the police's biometric fingerprint identification system. “The investigations are expected to be completed soon and we will forward the investigation paper to the Deputy Public Prosecutor's office for further action,” he added.

The man suspected of killing Siti Sofea Emelda had a prior record for robbery and drug related crime. "When we crossed checked the prints of the body we found that the man had prior records for robbery and drug crimes. "We however cannot reveal the identity of the man at this stage of our investigations," he said when contacted on Tuesday.

2 June: Mother Of Beheaded Two-Year-Old Girl May Be Charged With Negligence

Siti Salmy Suib

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Police declared yesterday their confidence that the case of the beheaded toddler was solved. However, they have yet to determine the motive behind the gruesome murder.

Police are looking into the possibility of charging the mother of Siti Soffea Emelda Abdullah with negligence after the two-year-old was abducted and beheaded by a man near the Klang River on Thursday night.

A source in the investigation said irregularities had emerged in the statement given by the girl’s mother, Siti Salmy Suib, 32, who alleged that she left her child with her friends because she had to use the rest room at the Kota Raya shopping complex at 3pm.

Siti Salmy only learnt of what had happened to her daughter when police tracked her down and alerted her later that night. “However, when we checked CCTV footage, the victim was seen playing by herself when she was taken by the suspect. “There were no friends around. Maybe there were friends but they were not there when she was taken. We are looking into her story, maybe she is trying to cover up for herself,” said the source.

The source said the CCTV footage showed a security guard watching the suspect lead Siti Soffeah away but took no action. The source said the guard, when questioned, said it was because he was used to seeing the girl playing and being in the care of several different people, as Siti Soffea and her mother were regulars at the mall.

31 May: Body Of The 27-Year-Old Suspect Found In Klang River

The body of the man believed to have abducted and decapitated a toddler at the Klang River in Kuala Lumpur seen floating near the banks of Sungai Petaling Jaya in Sunway, Selangor, today

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The body of the man believed to have brutally beheaded a two-year-old girl at the Klang River near Jalan Tun Sambanthan on Thursday has been found after a two-day search. City Fire and Rescue Department ‎assistant director Azizan Ismail confirmed that the body of the suspect was found at 4pm Saturday in the Klang River.

The 27-year-old is believed to have drowned after jumping into the Klang River near Jalan Tun Sambanthan, in his bid to evade arrest. Federal Territory Fire and Rescue Department assistant director Azizan Ismail said the discovery was made by personnel from the district fire department, who were earlier roped in to help in the suspect’s manhunt.

Mohd Sani said the Fire and Rescue Department received a call at 2.50pm from a member of the public. "The complainant had spotted a man's body floating in the river," he said, adding that emergency services were immediately despatched to the scene, located near the Sunway toll plaza. The body of a man, believed to be in his 20s, was fished out of the river by divers.

Police took possession of the body, which has been sent to the hospital for a post-mortem.

The police have reportedly identified the body of a man found in the Klang river as the suspect in the brutal murder of a two-year-old girl.

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The decapitated body of the girl, Siti Soffea Emelda, was found beside the Klang river along Jalan Hishammuddin on Thursday night. Her head was severed and found near her body, reports said.

CCTV Footage Showing Two-Year-Old Girl Being Kidnapped Goes Viral

CCTV footage purportedly showing Siti Soffea Emelda Abdullah being abducted at the Kota Raya shopping complex has gone viral. In the video, a man is seen trying to lure a little girl away. She shies away at first but is eventually seen being led out by the man. CCTV footage of the abduction of Siti Soffea, 2, does exist and is currently being scrutinised by the police.

Siti Soffea was with her mother Siti Salmy Suib, 32, at the Kota Raya shopping complex here when the woman needed to use the toilet on the fourth floor at about 3pm on Thursday. She came out to find Siti Soffea missing. Siti Soffea was eventually found beheaded. The attacker is believed to have drowned while trying to escape down the Klang river.

The Body Of A Two-Year-Old Girl With Her Head Severed Was Found By The Klang River In Kuala Lumpur On 29 May 2014

The body of a girl believed to be about two-years-old was found with her head severed beside the Klang river along Jalan Hishammuddin last night.

A Passer-By Found The Toddler's Beheaded Body Near The KTM Station At About 9pm

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According to The Star Online, the toddler’s beheaded body was found by a passer-by near the KTM station at about 9pm. The girl’s head was found near the body, the news portal reported.

Initial Investigations Found That The Girl Was At A Shopping Mall At Pudu Sentral With Her 32-Year-Old Mother Before Going Missing

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Dang Wangi Police Chief, Assistant Commissioner Zainuddin Ahmad said the victim who is between the age of two and three was believed to have been kidnapped by the suspect from a shopping mall at Pudu Sentral when she was left with her mother’s friend.

The Victim's Mother Had Left The Girl With Some Friends As She Used The Toilet. When She Returned Five Minutes Later, The Little Girl Was Missing.

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SAC Gan said the mother told police she was with friends at the fourth floor of a shopping complex in Pudu. "She went to the toilet and asked her friends to watch over the girl. When she returned about five minutes later, she realised that the girl was not with her friends," he added.

SAC Gan said that the mother then searched for the girl together with her friends in the shopping complex but she was nowhere to be found.

A Witness Saw A Man Leading The Girl Away From The Shopping Complex Towards The Murder Scene

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Police said a witness saw a man, believed to be a dark-skinned foreigner, leading the child away from a shopping center near Pudu Sentral. “The suspect was described as a dark-skin foreign man of above age 30.

According to a witness, the suspect was earlier seen carrying the girl towards the river.

Witnesses Saw The Suspect Forcing The Girl To The Ground And Hitting Her On The Head And Neck With An Object

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It is learnt that the murder was witnessed by at least one public member, who immediately notified the police.

City CID chief Senior Asst Comm Gan Kong Meng ‎said the witness saw the suspect forcing the girl to lie on the ground and using something to hit her on her head and neck.

They Rushed Towards The Girl When They Saw The Incident But The Suspect Continued Hitting Her. The Suspect Then Escaped By Jumping Into The River.

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Several others who saw the incident rushed to try to save the girl but the suspect continued hitting her, he said. The suspect fled by jumping into the river when he saw people rushing to him.

At 9pm, Police Received A Call About A Man Trying To Drown A Child. They Rushed To The Scene To Find The Girl's Body.

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SAC Gan said police received a call at 9pm from people who saw a man trying to drown a child at the location. A police team who arrived at the scene found a fully-clothed girl lying face-down with her head severed from the body.

Several Broken Pieces Of Ceramic With Traces Of Blood And A Pair Of Slippers Were Found At The Crime Scene

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SAC Gan said police found several broken pieces of ceramic with traces of blood and a pair of slippers believed to belong to the suspect.

Checks by police Forensics Unit also found that the victim might have been murdered using a piece of marble.

“Based on the marks on the victim, police are not ruling out the possibility of a sharp object used to cut the victim’s neck,” said Zainuddin.

Police Believe The Suspect May Have Drowned In The Klang River As He Was Last Seen Struggling In The Water

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Police believed the suspect behind the death of a two-year-old girl found with her head severed drowned in Sungai Klang while trying to escape.

"The witnesses tried to follow the suspect along the river and he was seen struggling in the water," SAC Gan said adding that they saw the suspect being carried away by the currents.

Police Are Not Discounting The Possibility Of A Rape Attempt

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The NST was informed that police, based on their inital investigations, did not discount the possibility that the incident involved a rape attempt.

They Have Now Launched A Massive Manhunt To Track The Suspect

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“Police have disseminated the description of the suspect to all stations and officers, and a massive manhunt has been launched to track his whereabouts,” Dang Wangi police chief Assistant Commissioner Zainuddin Ahmad was quoted saying in an online report by the New Straits Times.

“The victim’s parents have been notified and they have identified the body. They have not been questioned as the mother nearly fainted after seeing her child’s condition,” said Zainuddin.

On 10 May 2014, A Three-Year-Old Boy Was Kidnapped From His Father's Car As His Father Uses The Petrol Station Toilet

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