
UMNO Keeps Sacked Cabinet Members And Reemerges As 'One Big Family' Instead

With no one losing their party posts and members showing support to leader PM Najib Razak, UMNO is working on their victory for the 14th general elections.

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UMNO Supreme Council has graciously opted to not sack anyone from its party, proving that the party does not toe the line of mass speculations about its internal affairs

PM Najib Razak

Image via The Wall Street Journal

The first UMNO Supreme Council meeting to be held after the untimely cabinet reshuffle, saw the reunification of Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak and his newly-minted Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi with the recently sacked ex-DPM Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin.

Despite mass speculations that former DPM Muhyiddin and ex-Rural and Development Minister, Datuk Seri Shafie Apdal would be stripped off their party membership for their criticisms on the 1MDB scandals, Najib has retained their position as party leaders.

"No sacking," said Supreme Council member Datuk Abdul Rahman Dahlan when asked by reporters at the lobby of the party headquarters in Menara Dato Onn at the Putra World Trade Centre, after the meeting ended at about 6.30pm.

UMNO Supreme Council meeting held at Menara Datuk Onn

Image via New Straits Times

In a surprising turn of events after he unceremoniously fired his long-serving ministers, Najib has stated that the ex-cabinet members are willing to work together towards strengthening UMNO

PM Najib Razak and UMNO deputy president at the UMNO Supreme Council meeting yesterday

Image via The Wall Street Journal

His statement after the meeting puts paid to earlier speculation that either Muhyiddin or Shafie or both would be given the boot or have severe action taken against them for their outspokenness on the 1MDB affair and against Najib himself.

“I applaud Muhyiddin’s involvement as deputy president and he has stated his strong commitment to the party and the willingness to continue fighting to ensure Umno’s strength and success in the next general elections,” Najib told a press conference after the meeting, with his deputy sitting beside him.

“I would also like to thank Shafie, the vice-president who has stated the same commitment and he has also said his willingness to work for the party’s interest.”

Despite the unfortunate events that befell him, Muhyiddin has remained a loyal member and supporter of UMNO

UMNO deputy president Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin received a warm welcome and crowd cheers at the UMNO Supreme Council meeting held yesterday.

Image via Straits Times

Speaking to the media outside the party’s headquarters in Menara Dato Onn, Muhyiddin downplayed his exit and insisted that he is an Umno member through and through.

“Everything went well. I am a ‘totok’ Umno member,” Muhyiddin told reporters, using a colloquial Malay term meaning “true blue”.

Hundreds of Muhyiddin’s supporters clad in black chanted “Hidup Tan Sri” [Long live Muhyiddin] and “Hidup Umno Johor” [Long live Johor Umno] as he exited the party headquarters.

Other prominent UMNO members took the opportunity to rekindle their party spirit, strengthen strained relationships among party members and resolve their issues at the meeting

Urban Wellbeing, Housing and Local Government Minister Datuk Abdul Rahman Dahlan

Image via The Star Online

Umno supreme council members said their meeting today went smoothly in the "spirit of solidarity of a big family".

Abdul Rahman Dahlan, who is also Urban Wellbeing, Housing and Local Government Minister and BN’s director of strategic communications said the meeting was held in a positive atmosphere with the overarching agendas being unity and moving forward.

"The president (Najib Abdul Razak) spoke for about 20 minutes and his speech was well-received.

"In the end, in the spirit of Umno as one big family, we settled problems in that spirit (family spirit)," he said when approached by reporters after the meeting at Menara Dato Onn at the Putra World Trade Centre in Kuala Lumpur.

In the midst of all the good cheer at the Supreme Council meeting, the recently sacked Langkawi rep Anina Saadudin chided Najib for using the back door entry for the meeting

Former Langkawi Wanita UMNO chief was recently sacked over her RM2.6 billion lawsuit against PM Najib Razak

Image via Free Malaysia Today

Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak has no reason to fear Umno members because they are not his "wife", said former Langkawi Wanita Umno member Anina Saadudin.

"It is as though he is in fear [...] It is just like when he ran away from the Nothing2Hide forum. How can an Umno president be afraid of facing Umno members waiting for their leader at the front door?" she asked.

In a departure from norm, Najib, who usually used the main entrance to enter and exit, was nowhere to be seen. He, however, chaired the meeting.

Meanwhile, party members sung praises about the overall merry atmosphere at the supreme council meeting yesterday, 9 September

UMNO leaders at the supreme council meeting yesterday

Image via The Malaysian Insider

“It was a meeting that showed the big Umno family. The meeting was good, no voices were raised. Among the things brought up was unity and moving forward,” Sabah Umno representative Datuk Abdul Rahman Dahlan told reporters.

“Muhyiddin and Shafie have stated that they are behind Najib and they will work towards Umno’s victory in the next general elections,” Datuk Abdul Aziz Kaprawi said.

“There was no discussion on taking action towards anyone. Everything, the whole meeting was orderly and calm,” Abdul Aziz added.

“Everything was fine, nothing happened. Umno is united,” Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz chimed in.

On the contrary, six weeks ago, when former DPM Muhyiddin decided to speak up against Najib and the 1MDB scandals surrounding him, a messy debacle erupted:

Muhyiddin wasn't the only one who got the short end of the stick. Four other ministers were also fired from the cabinet:

Missing the good old days of the dynamic duo, Najib and Muhyiddin? Check out our collection of photos that best represents their 'friendship'

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