
This Malaysian Just Showed Us The BEST Way To Teach Sejarah!

If only we knew this earlier!

Cover image via Vulcan Chong/YouTube

A video of a young man singing has been making its round on social media.

While it is not unusual to spot a man with a guitar on the Internet, this guy is special because he was singing about... Sejarah!

The video which features the young man identified as Vulcan Chong playing the guitar and singing about Form 4's Sejarah (History) subject regarding the 'Kerajaan Islam di Madinah' topic, focusing on the subject of Hijrah.

He composed the lyrics and sang it according to the tune of Korean superstar Taeyang's 'Eyes, Nose, Lips'.

Although the video only went viral recently, it was already on social media for awhile as it was first uploaded on Vulcan's YouTube channel on 10 April.

It is clear that many netizens appreciate his touch of creativity as the video was reuploaded on Facebook by others, and it gained thousands of shares

Most parts of the song were in Bahasa Melayu while he slipped in a few Mandarin verses as part of the lyrics.

Although not everyone understood the lyrics that were in Mandarin, but based on the responses on the video, it didn't pose any problems.

Vulcan said in the video description that he made the video to help students memorise some important Sejarah facts through music.

Netizens have applauded Vulcan for his dedication in coming up with such an original video

Image via Facebook

Many of netizens tagged their friends on the video which was uploaded on Facebook, asking them to view the video as it would be a great tool to help them in their studies.

There were also others who commented, saying that they wished such a video existed while they were in school.

Aside from this particular video, Vulcan has been uploading other videos for this 'Sejarah Melody' series since March

As of today, 20 July, he has uploaded more than 15 videos singing about facts from different chapters of the Malaysian history lessons.

Some of the tunes he has sang to include Adele's 'Rolling In The Deep', Bruno Mars' 'Just The Way You Are' and even Doraemon's theme song, just to name a few.

Check out Vulcan singing about Hijrah along the 'Eyes, Nose, Lips' tune here!

Speaking of creativity, take a look at how this Malaysian artist literally translated peribahasa and simpulan bahasa into visuals!

More young and talented Malaysians here:

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