Educated Women Are The Angrier Sex Behind the Wheel?
If women are angrier drivers compared to men, and postgraduate drivers are very angry on the road, does this mean we should all fear a highly educated female on the road?
Miros survey says women are angrier drivers compared to men, but suffer less accidents
A five-year study by the Malaysian Institute of Road Safety Research (Miros) revealed that women drivers have been found to be angrier than men.
Malaysian women drivers have been found to be angrier than men behind the wheel. However, despite their higher levels of anger, women drivers suffer fewer crashes and road fatalities.
According to Miros research fellow Karen Goonting, this is because women tend to keep their anger bottled up while men are more prone to act out their frustration.

The more educated you are, the angrier you are in the car too
The more educated a driver, the angrier the person is on the road. This is another interesting finding of the study conducted by the Malaysian Institute of Road Safety Research (Miros) on the anger levels of drivers on Malaysian roads.“Those with postgraduate degrees registered a cumulative anger score of 45.27 while those with no formal education recorded 20.00,” said Miros research fellow and psychologist Karen Goonting.
“There is a clear trend that the higher the educational attainment, the greater the amount of driver anger,” she said, adding that this finding came as quite a surprise.
We are quite an angry nation when it comes to driving, we have 2.4 million extremely angry drivers on our roads
We are quite an angry nation when it comes to driving, we have 2.4 million extremely angry drivers on our roads.
Image via imgur.comIt was revealed in the study that 18% of the total of 13.3 million registered drivers in Malaysia were high-anger drivers, 39% were moderate-anger and the remaining 43% low-anger drivers.“That’s very high. That means there are 2.4 million extremely angry drivers on our roads, which increases the probability of accidents,” Goonting said.
Malaysians were also found to be three or four times angrier than drivers in the United States, Britain, Australia, New Zealand, Spain and Turkey.
Terengganu beats Kuala Lumpur as the angriest state in the driving arena
In spite of its scenic beaches and peaceful towns, Terengganu topped the list as the Malaysian state with the peak percentage of high-anger drivers.
The state that emerged second in the list was Malacca while Kuala Lumpur was third. It was speculated that the probable causes for angry drivers in Malacca might be the narrow streets and difficulties in finding parking spots. emerged as the state with the least number of high-anger drivers but the reason for this remains unclear.
Perhaps the abundant padi fields have a calming effect on drivers there.
Do you get angry 642 times in 300 days of driving a year? You are a high-anger driver!
The study, conducted between 2009 and last year, measured the anger levels of 5,248 drivers (cars, buses and other vehicles except motorcycles) in more than 103 districts nationwide. drivers were asked to rate how angry they felt on a scale of from one to five (five being very angry, one being not angry) on matters ranging from illegal driving to hostile gestures.
High-anger drivers are defined as those who get angry about 642 times over an average of 300 driving days a year – two to three times higher than low-anger drivers.
Low-anger drivers are those who get angry about 264 times. They are angry less frequently and don’t keep anger as long as others.
Women suffer less accidents than men, but half a million car crashes a year are caused by women wearing make up while driving
[FULL STORY] Ladies, are you guilty of this? Men, is your mom/sister/girlfriend/friend guilty of this? Maybe it's time to really get the "No Make-Up And Drive" message across.