
"He Has Abandoned Us" – Jilted Wife Pleads Public For Help In Locating Her Runaway Husband

He had previously left home multiple times, but his wife fears it may be for good this time.

Cover image via @TheaMak (Twitter)

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24-year-old Thea M. recently took to Twitter to ask for help in locating her husband after he allegedly ran away from their home in Georgetown, Penang, abandoning her and their 20-month-old daughter

Thea's 26-year-old husband left home after a heated dispute between the two on Friday, 16 December. When he failed to return around midnight, Thea filed a police report.

Speaking to SAYS, Thea said the dispute revolved around suspicions that her husband was having an affair, as he is said to have cheated throughout their four-year relationship. She converted to Islam to marry him two years ago.

The fight led to him breaking several objects in their home, before driving off in his Toyota Avanza. She added that he left his phone and keys behind, and likely changed his number to avoid detection or being contacted.

"Even before we met, he had a history of running away from home. [However], this is the longest he’s been away without me knowing where he is," she said.

Thea currently works full time as a hotel receptionist, but is struggling to support both herself and her daughter without her husband's financial contributions

"This month, we went over budget due to a sudden [medical] matter, and I didn’t set aside enough since I thought he’d stay around," she said, adding that she has bills she is now struggling to cover due to his sudden absence.

"I am already not eating most days. I walk anywhere I can. I am doing everything I can to save money so that my baby has a shot at a decent life I could never have."

"It hurts a lot that I have to go through this alone [even though] he knows I have no backup plan or savings," she lamented.

Thea added on Twitter that because her husband prefers to be paid in cash, it would be impossible to receive alimony as his bank account was purposefully left empty.

"I'd like to clarify that I don't want him to support me, just our daughter. I would like him to replace [the] things he broke, but that would be a bonus," she stated.

The couple's daughter is currently living with her husband's parents, who have primary custody of the infant

"My daughter is safe and sound with my in-laws. It's best for her [as] I work odd hours and don't have my own transportation," Thea said.

She added that her daughter began living with them roughly four months ago, after the couple's arguments began to escalate.

"I [didn't] want her to grow up seeing her parents fight or her father being violent towards me... [and currently,] I can't afford to be there for her 24/7 or hire a stay-at-home nanny."

"Technically, he has abandoned us, and I have the right to file for divorce," Thea said, adding that she intends to go to court tomorrow, 20 December, to officialise the separation.

"I really do hope that someone will push him to at least go to court or get in touch so we can settle this amicably."

For further details about the case, read Thea's Tweet here.

Additionally, Thea is asking anyone who has any information regarding her husband's whereabouts to contact her on Twitter here or Instagram here.

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