
A 9-Year-Old Girl Was Allegedly Bullied So Severely That She Now Has To Use A Wheelchair

Her spine is bent and her back is red and swollen.

Cover image via Bernama

A nine-year-old girl has been confined to a wheelchair after her spine was allegedly damaged by bullies

New Straits Times reported that the primary school girl, who only wants to be known as 'Angah', was frequently kicked in the back and thighs by three other students.

She was also allegedly extorted by the bullies.

Image via Bernama

"The three bullies are two girls and a boy. They often tease and insult me, saying my father is crazy and my clothes are dirty or unwashed. Then they will force me to give them money, between RM1 and RM4. One of them always kicks me in the back or my thighs," she told reporters.

She added, "They threatened me, saying they would just tell the teacher I borrowed their money if I reported the matter."

Her 32-year-old mother, who wanted to be known only as Asma, said she had noticed that Angah was not walking properly in June

Asma said she brought Angah to Sultanah Bahiyah Hospital, where her daughter underwent a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan and X-ray.

The doctor said her spine is bent, perhaps due to being hit but did not rule out other possible factors. She can't walk for too long, and sometimes my husband and I have to carry her. Her back appears red and swollen. I feel sad every time I look at her in this condition.

Angah is now using a wheelchair because of the injuries and is fearful of returning to school

She is scheduled to undergo surgery at the hospital on Tuesday, 27 August.

The family has already lodged two police reports and are hoping for the state Education Department to carry out an investigation immediately.

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