Father Lawrence Investigated For Sedition Following Controversial Statement About 'Allah' That Triggered Protests
The tension between Muslims and Christians over the right to use the word 'Allah' once again sparks fire as Muslims groups voice their dissatisfaction over a statement made by priest Father Lawrence on 27 Dec 2013. Marina Mahathir spoke her mind about the dividing tension, and has now found herself in the middle of the controversy.
Updated from: FULL STORY Of The 'Allah' Protests At Churches And Marina Mahathir's Surprise Appearance
[VIDEO] PopTeeVee Sends PERKASA "Effing" Message After Police Report
Amidst tension and confusion surrounding the 'Allah' court ruling, PopTeeVee released a YouTube video explaining and making light of the issue. Most viewers found the satire funny, but PERKASA was unamused.
Updated from: [NEW VIDEO] PERKASA Thinks "That Effing" Allah Video Is Not Funny At All
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