Results for #TheAlley
The Alley Has A New Limited Edition Drink In Collaboration With HONOR, And It's So Pretty!
You can also get it 50% off if you have an HONOR 20 PRO!
The Alley Now Allows You To 'Tapau' Their Drinks With Your Own Fancy Tumbler
There will be a discount if you use their branded reusable tumbler.
Fenomena 'Bubble Tea' Buat Ramai Orang Berteka-Teki. Halal Atau Tidak? Ini Ulasan Jakim
Jika anda masih keliru dengan status minuman tersebut, mungkin jawapan ini sedikit sebanyak dapat membantu anda.
PSA: These 'The Alley' Bubble Tea Drinks Sold In Supermarkets Are Actually Fake
The pre-packed "canned" drinks have ingredients for the buyer to DIY their own bubble tea drink.