Results for #datumjelatek
[TERKINI] Projek Kondominium Mewah Datum Jelatek Tetap Diteruskan
Sekumpulan penduduk yang berdemonstrasi bertindak ganas dengan menceroboh tapak projek kontroversi Datum Jelatek di Taman Keramat pada 25 Januari 2015.
Updated from: [MESTI BACA] Fakta-Fakta Penting Dan 5 Sebab Projek Datum Jelatek Ditentang Orang Melayu
Malays Can't Afford The Datum Jelatek Condos? PKNS Proves Protestors Wrong
In November 2014, Datum Jelatek Action Committee Chairman Salleh Ahmad warned there would be "bloodshed" if the government does not stop the Datum Jelatek development. On 25 January 2015, protestors turned violent and tore down the zinc barricade of the construction site.