
Apple Raises Price Of 2TB iCloud+ Storage To RM44.90 Per Month

The new pricing starts at your next renewal date.

Cover image via Roberto Nickson/Unsplash & @XavierNaxa (Twitter)

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If you own an Apple device, then you've probably heard of iCloud+

Essentially, it's a cloud storage platform that allows you to buy extra space if you run out of it on your device.

There are three tiers to this cloud storage subscription, which consists of 50GB, 200GB, and 2TB options. Here's how they used to be priced:

- 50GB: RM3.90 per month
- 200GB: RM11.90 per month
- 2TB: RM39.90 per month

However, there has been a recent change to the pricing of the 2TB tier.

The 2TB storage option has recently seen a RM5 increase, changing its monthly fee from RM39.90 to RM44.90

This was reported by Twitter user @XavierNaxa, writer of the blog site 

According to him, this price increase may be related to the strengthening of the US dollar. He also stated that the new pricing will take effect at your next iCloud+ subscription renewal date.

There has been no official reports on whether the price hike will affect the other two subscription tiers. 

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