
China Develops Next-Gen AI-Powered Sex Dolls Capable Of Emotional Connections

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A Chinese company has achieved a breakthrough by incorporating AI into their sexbots

Starpery Technology, a sex doll company based in Shenzhen, is developing its own AI-driven language model to enhance its products. According to a report by the South China Morning Post, these new AI-integrated products will be available on the market soon.

The next generation of sexbots will be able to interact naturally with humans

Image used for illustration purposes only.

Image via Glamour

 "We are developing a next-generation sex doll that can interact vocally and physically with users, with prototypes expected by August this year," said the company's chief executive officer Evan Lee.

"Technological challenges remain, particularly in achieving realistic human interaction,

"While simple dialogue is easy, creating interactive responses involves complex model development by specialised software companies," he added.

Currently, sex dolls available on the market lack the capability to interact naturally

The new generation of sex dolls will be powered by AI and hardware that will enhance user experience.

"The new generation of sex dolls, powered by AI models and equipped with sensors, can react with both movements and speech, significantly enhancing user experience by focusing on emotional connection rather than just basic conversational abilities," said Lee.

Lee also mentioned that, despite China being a largely conservative society, it has become the largest market for sex dolls, surpassing the combined sales of the US, Japan, and Germany.

"People in the industry know China has a huge market, with purchasing power in major cities surpassing many European countries. The market is also open in mind — though aesthetically different from the European market," he said.

Other sex bot manufacturers are now following in the footsteps of Starpery

Image used for illustration purposes only.

Image via LinkedIn

Other Chinese doll manufacturers are also incorporating AI into their products. WMdoll, based in Zhongshan, Guangdong, and EXdoll, located in Dalian, Liaoning province, have announced plans to launch similar AI-enhanced products in the near future.

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