
WhatsApp's New Poll Feature Is Great If You & Your Friends Can Never Decide Where To Makan

For all we indecisive people.

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WhatsApp has rolled out a new feature to make it easier for indecisive people.

Introducing... the poll.

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If you and your friends can never make up your minds on where to eat, where to go, or what to do, you can simply create a poll and let everyone vote.

No more "Anything lah's" or "IDKs" as answers. :P

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It's simple.

Here's how you can create your own poll on WhatsApp:

Step one: Open a chat that you want to send a poll and click the 'Attach' button, as if you're about to send a photo or document

Under that, tap the 'Poll' button.

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Step two: Create your poll

Fill in your question and the poll choices below it. Then, click the send button to deliver your poll.

You can change the order of your poll options by tapping and holding down an option. 

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And that's it! Your friends or family can now vote.

Recipients can choose single or multiple options, and you can see who voted for which option. If you want to remove your vote, just tap on it again.

Below is a screenshot of an example:

Image via SAYS

You can find out more here.

WhatsApp recently introduced the 'message yourself' feature if you need to take down notes or reminders:

Another recent WhatsApp feature gives you the ability to hide your online status:

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