11 Problems People Who Eat At Their Desk Will Never Confess
There's nothing quite as oddly satisfying as finding 2-month-old salad bits lodged between the alphabets of your keyboard.
So your colleagues think you're sad for eating lunch at your desk. But you LOVE IT!
1. Your office pantry doesn't have a microwave…
Cold food > starving though, right?
3. Your colleagues come back from lunch and they’re all laughing except you :(
Or are they laughing AT you? Hmmm....
4. Your friends ajak you for drinks after work but you also need to cook tomorrow's lunch:
7. An urgent email comes in justtt as you started digging into that pile of fries
If only you were eating something really quick and convenient. Like a wrap.
8. You're familiar with Google searches like "How to get rid of cili sos stuck in keyboard"
10. You've packed an amazing lunch... and realise you left it AT HOME
Which brings you to the debate on whether or not it's worth an Uber trip home to rescue your lunch box.
11. You're forced to raid the office fridge for anything remotely edible and call it lunch
But despite all that, you know lunching at your desk really isn't all that bad. For one thing, you get to avoid the awkward 15-minute "Where to makan?" debate everyday!
You can't honestly say you don't enjoy watching your colleagues' long-winded indecisiveness while you're already halfway through your wholesome awesome meal.